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They spent the rest of the evening chatting, walking around the parks and streets of Berlin. Apparently Soviet hasn't been to Berlin before so Reich decided to show him around while telling the stories of the monuments and statues they saw.

They were standing on a bridge in the heart of Berlin facing the Berliner Dom enjoying the cool night air. Soviet suddenly asked about Reich's brother.

"Did you really kill Weimar?" The German went silent for a second

"Yes, I did."

"Why?" Reich turned his head away, not wanting to answer. Pictures of Weimar flashed in front of his eyes. The way he begged Reich, at first just to have mercy and at the end to just kill him already. The way he cried out in pain. Blood painted his whole body, the smell of burning flesh, the fire, the smoke, his scream.

"Hey, it's alright you don't have to tell me. I understand-"

"You don't understand! How could you understand killing your family?!" Raised Reich his voice a bit. He hated thinking about Weimar. For some reason it always made him feel weak. Like he would be guilty, like Weimar wasn't as weak as he was, like he wasn't obeying blindly the Allies. Soviet just raised his eyebrows, then took out a cigarette.

"I understand because I've done the same shit as you." The German looked at him puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I am not that different from you, you know? You killed your brother and I killed my excuse of a father." He blew smoke out. Reich stood agape. He now felt a bit bad for getting heated so fast.

"I didn't know you killed your father..." Soviet looked down

"Not many knows about it." The cool night made everything a hundred times quieter

"Maybe..." Reich said after a while and he stood a bit closer to Soviet. "Maybe you're right, we are not so different from each other." Hummed Reich. "Can I have a cigarette?"

"...Sure" Soviet then turned Reich to face him took a drag from his cigarette placed his hands on the German's cheeks and leaned in. Reich's eyes widened as the Russian was so close to his face but their lips didn't touch. he felt the Russian blowing smoke into his mouth. He inhaled it then slowly blew it out. Soviet then straightened up. Reich froze down for a second then smirked at the taller man

"Well that wasn't so bad, would you mind another hit?" Soviet smiled and took another drag before leaning down to the German again. This time connecting their lips and ending it in a tender kiss. Reich placed his hands on the back of Soviet's neck pulling him closer and the Russian placed his hands from Reich's cheeks to his waist.

Reich didn't even know how but the next thing he realised was that they were in his house. Soviet passionately kissing him while they both are trying to get rid of their clothes. The room was filled with the sound of pleasure. They sang the song of Eros. They were holding onto each other like there was no tomorrow. Moonlight was seeping through the window and caressed their skins as they melted into each other.

Reich was the first to wake up in the morning. He groaned as he got himself out of bed. He put a bathrobe on his still naked body, stepped out to the balcony and lit up a cigarette.

"Hello, Reich." The German choked and started coughing. The voice surprised him. He turned his head and saw NSDAP standing on the other end of the balcony. The unsettling smile ever present on his face wearing his fancy uniform staring at Reich with his hands behind his back.

NSDAP was not really real and Reich knew that. He wasn't able to capture a true psychical form, but he could be seen, he could talk and sometimes he could even move lighter objects. He was like a ghost disappearing and reappearing any time of the day except no one else seemed to see him besides Reich.

"I see you had some fun last night." Stated NSDAP, his expression never changing.

"Uh oh.. well.." Reich was getting nervous. This wasn't part of the plan.

"You see Reich, you worked hard these past weeks just because I told you everything is ought to be perfect and you did a good job. And any other time I would even say that you deserve a little rest however, there seem to be something I can't really put my finger on..." NSDAP approached Reich and the German country tensed. He grabbed Reich's hand which he held the cigarette with and took the cigarette out of it.

"Watch out, it'll burn your hand if you don't pay attention to it." Reich then relaxed a bit even though NSDAP didn't let go of his hand yet "So Reich... tell me what your intentions are exactly with this... communist country."

"I ugh nothing really, I mean it was probably just a one night thing."

"Oh really? Are you sure?" NSDAP tilted his head to the side.

"Yeaah, yes I ah-" NSDAP pressed the half burnt cigarette into Reich's skin. He was not smiling anymore, glaring at the German.

"Reich, Reich, Reich, you can't be that selfish. After everything I've done for you, you'd just throw everything out of the window just because of a man and because you can't contain your desperate needs?"

The hot white pain blinded Reich for a second, barely able to focus on anything else than the burning of his flesh which set his nerves on fire. The smell of burnt skin was in the air, seeping into the German's nose. Reich was shaking and his breathing became uneven as he tried to fight off the pain.

"I- That's not- please" he tried to say between gasps. His eyes were beginning to fill up with tears. Reich never knew how to deal with NSDAP when he became like this. From one moment to another his mood changed entirely and he hurt everyone who got in his way, which was usually Reich.

"Reich. I want you to get this man out of your head immediately. Say you won't talk to him."

"I won't -gh" mumbled Reich

"What was that? Louder!"

"I WON'T I SWEAR!! PLEASE NSDAP!!" Reich practically shouted at the party.

"Don't disappoint me." And with that he let go of Reich's hand.

The German jerked his hand to himself and fell to his knees holding the injured limb. His hand was throbbing, his skin turned white where the cigarette touched it which then turned into angry red and a blister was already forming on the area.

When Reich looked up again NSDAP was nowhere to be found. The German sighted and stood up with shaky legs. He went inside to the bathroom and poured some cold water on his hand to reduce the pain at least a little bit.

When he left the bathroom he could see Soviet was starting to wake up. Without realising a little smile was on his face. He then went and hopped onto the bed next to Soviet.

"Guten Morgen Sonnenscheine." The Russian groaned as the bright light of the sun hit his face.

"Good morning to you too" he mumbled and threw a hand at Reich just to pull him under the blanket.

"Ach Soviet you need to get ready the first act of olympic games will start soon and you need supervise your athletes. Come oon we can't be sleeping right now." Reich said as he patted the tall country's hair.

"Hmm shut up, you worry too much." The German scoffed at that nevertheless he decided to stay in bed with Soviet just a little bit longer.

Yeah, just a little bit longer...

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