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"The plan has changed." Said NSDAP who has been waiting in Reich's office for the German looking out the window.

When Reich stepped into his office NSDAP turned around and welcomed him with his usual eery smile.

"What has changed?" Asked Reich confused, there was never a change in the plan. What made NSDAP change his mind? Reich wasn't sure whether this would mean good or bad for him.

"Remember that little affair you had back in 1936 with that communist? I want you to make a pact with him."

Reich hasn't talked to Soviet since the olympic games. The Russian did sent him letters afterwards, but NSDAP would always find those letters and burn them in front of Reich. It made him feel a bit bad for the other country.

"How could I possibly form a pact with him? He probably hates my guts because of you. You destroyed every single letter he sent me." NSDAP's eye ticked

"Now now Reich I advise you to be careful with your words. You could convince him with a non-aggression pact of course." NSDAP waved his hands. Reich was sure that if he stood closer to him he would've clawed his eye out with his sharp nails.

"Non-aggression pact?"

"That's right! You're holding Europe in a stalemate situation and our biggest threat is the Soviet Union. The whole west is frozen and the French has already started to reconstruct their stupid wall and we hasn't got a chance yet to size up our army's overall strength. SO what I'm saying is that we should start taking over east and only after that the west."

NSDAP was always very passionate about his idea of war and would talk about military plans and strategies for hours. It often made Reich's head hurt while he was trying to work but the other male would just not shut up.

"So you want to make an alliance with a communist?" NSDAP laughed at that

"No, of course not. We won't be allies and we won't be enemies as well. If one of us attacks another country the other one doesn't have to defend nor attack the other. It's standing neutral." NSDAP was now getting excited "Come on Reich! It's a great deal!" He exclaimed as he creeped closer to Reich placing one of his hands on the German's shoulder.

"NSDAP I don't think he will accept it. As I said-" NSDAP's grip then got stronger and Reich immediately shut up.

"Now now Reich, how would we know if we don't try? Believe me he'll accept the deal. Plus I already had a letter written to him." As he said that he loosened his grip and laughed a bit

"You did what?" Reich could feel himself getting nervous

"Ah yes, everything is arranged, You're going to Moscow in about a month."

There is no way. Reich didn't prepare himself for this at all! How cold he face Soviet after all these years? He felt himself getting nervous, it's not like he doesn't want to see the Russian. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss him but he was anxious what Soviet thought about him and his behaviour towards him. Reich looked down at the ground, lost in his thoughts.

"Hey at least you could get laid again!" said NSDAP and a bitter smile appeared on Reich's face. NSDAP then placed his hand affectionately on Reich's cheek making Reich look at him. The German froze at that, he is not used to NSDAP being gentle with him.

"There is no need to worry Reich, besides I got you something." The German looked at him puzzled. "Go sit down" ordered NSDAP and Reich obeyed.

While Reich sat down behind his office desk NSDAP stood in front of it and took a little metal box out of his uniform's coat and placed it right in front of Reich.

"Go on, open it!" He took it in his hands. The box was delicately painted with blue and green leaves on its sides. Reich opened the box and looked inside. It was filled with white pills.

"What is this?" He asked as he took one pill out of the box and held it between his fingers.

"This, if you please, is the newest innovation of our greatest doctors. It's called methamphetamine. It is believed to increase focus, relieve stress, hunger and anxiety while making one feel confident and loose insecurities." NSDAP then walked behind Reich and once again placed his hands on his shoulders.

"We plan to give these to our great soldiers to build up their work efficiency." Reich held the pill in front of him. How could this little thing have so much effect on someone?

"Are there any side effects?" He lowered his arm

"Oh... Well of course, but only minor and if someone becomes really addicted to it, which is not very likely." The NSDAP leaned down, his lips next to Reich's ear.

"Come on why don't you try one? See it yourself how effective they are." Then his lips turned into a smirk and placed his hand on Reich's hand which he held the pill with, grabbing it and bringing it closer to Reich's face.

Reich trusted NSDAP. He helped him in so many ways. He helped to lift the country up from rock bottom. He wants the best for Reich even though sometimes he is a bit harsh. But it's alright, how else would Reich learn from his mistakes? The pill got closer and closer to his mouth. That's right. Reich knows what he is doing. He is just accepting NSDAP's offer to help, he can always turn him down in the future.

And the pill went in.

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