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Reich returned to his room, the meeting exhausted him a bit so he decided to lay down for a few minutes.

He practically face planted on the sheets of the bed and just laid there unmoving while he tried to organise his thoughts. He promised Soviet a walk in the garden in the afternoon. He didn't plan to stay long in the Russian's land since he had to do many preparations and arrangements for the upcoming events. He was glad that the Russian eventually agreed to the treaty, it was a relief. Reich smiled to himself. At least the both of them would be secure for now.

"Well, Reich, you did a good job today." A sudden voice rang through the room. Reich jumped up from the bed and looked at the direction of the voice. NSDAP stood next to the door his arms behind his back and he stared at the German. "I'm proud of you." Reich halted then looked down

"Thank you..." NSDAP walked closer to Reich

"Everything is going exactly as planned, if you keep doing everything as I say nothing will stop us. Our people will finally have a place to live and we will execute the evil from the world for once and for all." Stood the party next to Reich. The German looked up at him

"Soviet won't be involved any further right?" His eyes were bright with hope. NSDAP just smiled at him gently and stroked Reich's cheek

"No, if he doesn't do anything stupid then there won't be any reason for us to do anything against him." Reich closed his eyes and sighed. Thank god. He thought to himself NSDAP was a very complex person and Reich only hoped he would say the truth.

"However," he grabbed Reich's jaw and forced him to look at him. "Why have you been neglecting your pills? I gave them to you for a reason, for you to take them."

"I took them yesterday but it really threw me off of my feet..." Reich tried to explain

"I don't care about your stupid excuses!" Snapped NSDAP at him.

"It was for the meeting! I didn't take them because I felt like I would do better without them!"

"SHUT UP!" Yelled the party and slapped Reich right across the face. He let go of Reich's jaw and turned away from him. Reich just sat on the edge of his bed and stroked the burning spot.

"I don't understand... I do everything for you! I help you wherever I can, I run errands just so you could have the best from everything and you are still ungrateful." Said NSDAP in a hurt voice. Reich looked at him wide eyed but didn't say a word. "I asked one thing, ONE THING from you, to follow what I say and you can't even do that." He said and he brought one hand up to his face "No, no I get it now. You no longer need me. Seems like I've completed my duties here, I must go now-"

"Wait, no!" Reich jumped off of the bed. "NSDAP please don't go, that is not true! I still need you! Please." The German started begging desperately, panic suddenly washed over him at the thought of the party leaving him behind. He wouldn't be able to do anything. NSDAP always showed him the right path, he was right Reich was ungrateful that is why he needed him so much.

NSDAP started moving away so Reich tried to grab him to make him stay but his hand passed through the party's body making him fell down to his knees with a yelp. He didn't get up, instead he looked down at the ground

"I'm sorry NSDAP! I'm sorry, please! I'll change I swear! I'll listen to every word you say, I will no longer oppose you!" Despair was written all over his face and he felt his throat closing up as he continued to plead to the party. NSDAP stopped his track and looked down at the German. A weird glint in his eyes as he tried to refrain himself from smiling.

"Then prove it."

"What?" Reich looked up at him.

"Prove it that you'll listen to me." Reich's eyes widened

"I will! What do you want me to do? I'll do it!" And almost mocking smile spread through NSDAP's face and he squatted down next to Reich so they would be eye level.

"I want you to from now on take your pills regularly, just so you see how good hearted I am, you won't have to take them everyday, I know the way it affects you is not the most positive experience you have, but you have to promise me that you'll take them every second day alright?" Reich just nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes thank you, please" then he looked down again, Reich didn't even know what he should say, there were so many emotions swirling inside of him at once, relief, gratitude, the remnants of his blind panic, his tiredness from the lack of good sleep, the stress from meeting Soviet, these were all still at surface and Reich had a very hard time keeping them down.

The next time he looked up NSDAP was already gone. He sighed and stood up from the ground. He dusted down his clothes, after all he had been laying on the dirty ground he then went outside the small balcony the room possessed.

It gave a view to the backyard and the garden. It was august but he could already feel the colder winds as the colder Russian seasons came. Reich hated cold. All of his limbs would become freezing cold and he would be barely able to use them, like the blood froze in his veins. He could only imagine if he cut his hands instead of warm liquid ruby red crystals would flow down to the ground.

Reich took a deep breath and he pulled out his cigarette holder. He flipped a cigarette between his lips and took his lighter to of his coat's pocket he toyed with it for a few seconds just watching the flame dance around the fuse then held it to the end of the cigarette he inhaled till it lit up, then he put the lighter away and he blowed out the smoke.

He groaned a bit and he let his head fall back now looking up at the sky. He placed his hands on the railing in order to keep his balance. He closed his eyes and tried to relax but pictures of the past two days came to his mind.

What should he do? What should he do? That stupid Russian, why did he have to smile at him like that? That stupid fucking face. He looked at him so admiringly, the glint in his eyes... he took another hit from the cigarette.

Absolute bullshit he really can not afford to develop such feelings right now.

Reich was torn apart. His heart and his brain told him different things and he couldn't decide which one should he listen to. His mind told him that it is a waste of time, and he shouldn't get tangled up with Soviet but his heart, his heart craved for the man. His cold appearance yet warm heart, his gentleness, their night together, the small kisses they shared even though it didn't last that long.

Reich smoked his cigarette in silence as his mind kept on buzzing with the thought of the Russian,

the man,


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