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The next day the pact was ready to be signed by the two countries. Both Reich and Soviet read through all the articles again for the last time then they signed it.

Reich always found satisfaction in signing his name he couldn't tell the reason why but maybe because he was proud of his name 'Drittes Reich', it was definitely unique. He always used neat curvy lines to make his name appear on the paper. After he was finished with his masterpiece of a signature he straightened up and held his hand out for Soviet to shake it. The Russian gladly took it.

"What a nice agreement we have, may it live for the longest time being." Said Reich and Soviet grunted in agreement.

"Tomorrow however, I shall get going back to Berlin. There is still a lot to do, but I did enjoy my time being here even if for only diplomatic reasons."

"I feel the same." Replied the Russian. "You may want to rest before your journey, so you can return to your chambers and I'll tell someone to fetch you for dinner."

"That is alright, thank you." Said Reich with a smile spreading through his face. Soviet only nodded then lead the German out of the room.

Reich didn't go back to his room straight away, instead he decided to have a look around the Mansion. He didn't have much time to explore up until now and he wouldn't miss his chance. The mansion was quite impressive from the exterior and the interior was no different. Beautiful silk wallpaper covered all the walls and the floor was either made of marble slabs or expensive wood floor, pictures colouring the walls.

As Reich walked around the halls he found a library. He entered the hall. It was one of the most magnificent libraries he had ever seen. Dark mahogany shelves stretched through the walls it was a breath taking feeling to be just surrounded by so much knowledge at once. He went closer to one of the bookshelves and inspected it. He mostly found classic Russian literature, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov... Oh and of course who would Soviet be without Marx? Reich rolled his eyes when he saw a whole shelf with Marx's books on it. A whole shelf of complete utter bullshit. Reich scoffed and decided to move on, not wanting look at the nonsense of The Communist Manifesto.

The whole concept of communism was doomed to failure, humans were simply not good enough for it. Humans... they are rotten to the soul, they take what is good for them but the moment you show less they leave, even celebrate your failure and act like they've never been associated with you. How could possibly communism work if they hate each other as well? The ideology and almost its entirety based on mere trust. Maybe Reich was just cynical but under no conditions could a country lead itself without a higher authority. Ugh even thinking about this just pissed him off.

A crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room and right under it was a huge sphere globe. It was a mono-colour globe, the black ink representing the oceans and the beige colour the land. On the opposite wall was a map of the USSR stretched out. Reich walked closer to it and observed the map.

"The Soviet Union is indeed a huge country isn't it?" Came a voice from next to him. Reich snapped his neck and saw NSDAP standing next to him also looking at the map.

"Yeah.. it is big."

"What a shame that all this land is destined to perish. His people, the communists, they will destroy it." Reich turned back and looked at the map with a flat face.

"Hey Reich, wouldn't you want to save all this land?"

"Wait what?" Reich turned his head towards NSDAP again but by the time he looked at him the party had already disappeared. Reich just stood there looked at the spot where NSDAP stood just moments ago. What NSDAP meant by those words, it was unnerving. Reich decided to get going, it would have been unsettling to keep looking at the map.

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