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It was obvious that the smoking won't last for long.

A few hits went by but by the end of the third drag of the cigarette they lips met in a deep kiss. From the Russian's shoulders Reich's hand travelled up to his neck and face, cupping them from each side. Meanwhile Soviet kept a firm hold on Reich's waist. They started making out on the couch. Lips roughly pressed together and their tongues intervening with each other.

The taste of alcohol and smoke was present on their tongues.

Reich bit down on the Russian's bottom lip drawing a bit of blood , to which Soviet only grunted. Breaking the lock of their lips Reich straightened up. Both of them were breathing heavily. The German smiled down at Soviet. The Russian's mouth was still bleeding and as he looked up at Reich he saw that his whole bottom lip was covered in the vicious dark red liquid mixing with saliva. The view made the Russian blush and his heart started to beat slightly faster.

"What..Commie?" asked Reich smirking. Soviet did not respond. He reached his hand out to Reich, cupped his face and yanked him to himself. Licking his blood off of the germans lips then entering another deep kiss.

Reich yelped in surprise then went along with the make out session. He himself started to feel a bit hot by the given moment. Soviet kept stroking his sides, traveling his hand up and down on his form.

In the haze of alcohol and heat they started tugging at each others' clothes. They breathed lust and tasted volition. The uniform came off of the German leaving him in his loosely buttoned shirt and Soviet was eager to attack his collarbone with kisses. He travelled up to his neck kissing the sides and licked across his throat in a slitting motion. Reich gasped at the sensation and brushed his fingers through the Russian's hair. Soviet was just about to move his hands under the German's shirt when Reich stopped him.

"Wh-wait!" He panted. "Not h-here... Len't go to your room." Soviet just nodded and allowed Reich to recover his composure at least a bit.

The German quickly gathered himself and stood up on wobbly legs. They left the office and quickly moved down the corridors to Soviet's chamber.

As soon the room's door closed behind them Soviet picked up Reich and swiftly threw him to the bed. As the German landed the springs of the bed bounced under him. The Russian did not waste anymore time, he wanted the German.

The burning fire was so intense between them they could not resist each other.

The union tore the shirt off of himself and the Reich and began to suck and nibble on his neck and collarbones. The German moaned softly as Soviet started grinding on him. He could feel how the heat was making him more and more eager for more. He moved his hands over the Russian's back. Fingertips brushing over the hot skin making the union shudder. Reich hummed lazily reaching up to the back of the neck of the Russian caressing it slowly. Soviet moved his lips to Reich's ear.

"Reich- please— Please I want you so bad." He whined. Soviet's little cries made the German chuckle.

"aaaw Sowjetchen, so desperate aren't you?" He purred as he pet his hair.

"-Reich.." He breathed pitifully. The German grabbed the Russian's shoulders and with a swift move flipped him over, making them now change positions as it was now the Reich who laid on the top of the union.

"How about this then?" He said with a cocky grin on his face. He leaned down to his face and whispered

"How about..." he breathed softly "I suck you off then I ride you. Would you like that Liebling?" Soviet agreed without hesitation to which Reich chuckled quietly then gave him another passionate kiss.

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