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The landscape was no longer covered by its natural vivid colours. Flowers no longer bloom, the sky was no longer bright blue, the grass turned into a yellow lifeless colour. Where ever he stepped life was sucked out his surroundings.

NSDAP walked along the lined up soldiers. Another successful operation brought pride and happiness to his heart. Of course how could such a pitiful, useless, untermensch nation like the soviets defeat his superior Aryan race? Not a chance.

After each battle the Germans collected all soviet soldiers who stayed alive. Now they were considered prisoners of war and these soldiers usually had to face one of these fates:
They were either taken to labour camps and forced to work until they die or they were shoved into a crumped humid cell with about 20 more soldiers to share space with.

We could argue for days on end which one is the more cruel, inhumane act one can endure but still, at the very least it was not a straight up bloody massacre with hundreds of grey frozen bodies in piles lying on each other blood drained out from their flesh and with glassy eyes staring up to the sky, the grey sky that they'll never see glowing blue again.

However NSDAP was not the one to care about humanity and was not one a bit sympathetic towards these lowly beings. They didn't serve him as human but disgusting vermin with no place in this world.

The prisoners of war were taken deep into a forest, far from the front lines, then they were lined up in an Indian file where the first man stood a few steps away from a deep hole. Some were anxious, choked by fear, some were crying, their mind fogged up by despair, wishing nothing more than to see their family because they knew that this would be the end for them, some were angry, angry at the world, angry at these vile, merciless germans and felt betrayed by their superiors and leaders who promised victory, and some... some has already given up long ago, simply waiting for the unavoidable and yet liberating death.

NSDAP watched intently from the side how things were carried out. A lazy half-drunk smile appeared on his face which made even his soldiers shudder. He looked like a madman that's because he was barely clutching at the line of sanity.

A loud sharp voice ordered the first soldier in the line to step to the edge. The man with a shaking form stepped in front. He could barely stand, his knees were buckling under him either from fear or fatigue. His clothes were torn and dirty. A few soldiers tapped him down in case he has any hidden weapons. His gaze bore into the ground. They asked something from him but he couldn't understand. It's not that he couldn't understand German, he was thought the basics at school, it's just that the ringing in his ear was so loud, too loud. His face was sunken and there were big dark circles under his eyes, they reflected nothing but pain and tiredness.

"HALLO! Ich werde wieder nicht fragen! Antworte mir, verdammt!" (HEY! I won't ask again! Answer me damn it!) The officer looked pissed off like he has been asking the same question all day even though he only asked two times. The soldier looked up bewildered and the German officer started waving his hands to get his attention.

"Name und Alter?" (Name and age?) He finally asked a bit more calmly. The soldier opened his mouth to say the required information but he could only wheeze and cough painfully. He cleared his dry throat and with a hoarse voice he spoke up.

"Alexander Petrovich, 27 Jahre alt" The officer scribbled it down onto his notebook and nodded to one of his armed man

"Ihn loswerden." (get rid of him.) Alexander haven't even blinked he already felt the cold barrel of a gun at the back of his head and a shot ranged through the air. The body fell to the pit.

"Nächste!" (Next!) Said the officer. The rest of the prisoners looked horrified, endless terror reflected from their eyes. So this is how they end? Dishonourably executed in the middle of no where? Buried along with strangers in an unmarked grave? Some of them began openly crying from despair and were on the verge of hysteria. They regretted even being alive. What did they ever do wrong to deserve this?

"NÄCHSTE!" The first man in the line could not move. His legs did not obey him. So a German soldier dragged him to the pit

"нет.. нет,нет,нет! Не надо! Пожалуйста!" (No.. no,no,no! Don't do it please!) He cried. The same procedure went down before another shot was heard, then another, and another...

Between the shots broken screams rang out. Soldiers cried out their comrades names right after they were shot and fell into their grave.

NSDAP grinned darkly. He seemed to enjoy the suffering of these poor, defenceless souls. He enjoyed watching the light die out from their eyes, as they lose hope and succumb to the script that the German wrote. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply the smell of gunpowder, blood, and death.

Look at this Reich.

Reich opened his eyes. The first thing he saw a body falling down. At first confusion then fear and horror reflected from them.

"What the hell is this?!" He asked taken aback.

"Isn't it great? Isn't it such and empowering feeling watching the weak give up under the pressure of your fingertips?" Answered NSDAP who appeared next to him. "Look! They don't even resist at all! Even they know that they're destined to obey the order of the superior race." He chirped cheerfully. On the contrary Reich felt like he had been dunked in ice cold water. Not only that his people were mercilessly killing soldiers, but these soldiers were Russian.

He was about to move to stop this unreasonable blood drawing when a hand on his shoulder pulled him back.

"I do not advise you to do anything reckless." Said NSDAP. From cheerful his voice turned into cold and threatening.

"What is that supposed to mean? They're killing innocent people! I didn't permit this at all!"

"Are you sure about that?" Reich's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?! Why would I ever order my soldiers to kill off Russians? We agreed on a non-aggression pact to your request!"

"Hmm.. You may say that but you've read the reports haven't you? What was it again? Ach! It was the first scheme of the operation plan of the attack on the Soviet Union! Don't act like you don't remember." Reich desperately shook his head.

"I've never signed anything about declaring war!" he yelled.

"Is your memory that bad? You seriously don't remember writing it? I was with you in your office! Even Fascist Italy was there!"

No. This is not true. This is not real. Nothing like this has happened. He did not attack Soviet. All of this is fake. It's a dream.

Reich's whole body began to tremble and his knees was about to give in. He could not believe it. His hands clutched the side of his head tearing a few strands of hair out from his scalp. His throat has gone dry and he could barely breathe. He licked his lips and tried to protest but no sound came out of his mouth. The shock was too severe.

The sounds of guns being fired and the screams of soldiers seemed to get louder and louder, bursting his eardrums and the overflowing smell of blood stung his nose. Cold sweat rolled down on his temples. He can't stand this. He needs to get out of here.

With wobbly steps he started moving away from the scene. He rushed out from the forest. A few times he almost fell over but he eventually got to clearance where nobody could see him. As soon as he got there his legs could no longer hold his weight and they buckled under him. He fell to his knees and panted harshly.

The painful screams were still ringing in his ears. His mind was racing as he thought about Soviet. Then he came to a horrible conclusion that pierced his heart. His breath hitched, his stomach flipped and bile rise to his throat. He toppled over vomited. The acid burned his throat which made him cough as he continued emptying his insides. Tears accumulated in his eyes, clouding his vision. He hovered over his spillage and shook.

Oh no.. What has he done?

He betrayed Soviet.

To avoid confusion: NSDAP is not a ghost. He did not 'possess' Reich. It's more of a Tyler Durden type of situation, so basically Reich suffers from split personality/schizophrenic type of personality disorder. This is also the reason why he has severe memory losses

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