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Reich looked outside the car window, watching as the landscape changed from pine forests to plains to more forests. He was not far away from Moscow only a few more kilometres. And as the distance narrowed the more nervous he got. He already told his driver many times to stop and take a break so he could stretch his legs, but in reality he just was procrastinating, doing anything he can to arrive later than planned.

His legs kept bouncing up and down and soon his hands started to shake a little as well.

Come on Reich, get yourself together! He mentally scolded himself and rubbed his face with his palms. It was just a stupid meeting not different from any other.

When they reached Moscow Reich reached inside his coat's hidden pocket and took the metal box out. He opened it and quickly put a pill in his mouth.

He could feel the bitter taste of it as it fizzed on his tongue. He leaned back on his seat and tried to relax himself as he waited for the pill to kick in.

His senses started to clear up. All the noise around him narrowed down to muffled sounds, all he could hear was his breathing and his heart's steady beating. He could feel his uniform pressing against his body and the cap started to itch his head. He took of his cap and put it on the seat next to him. He took some deep breaths as he felt his heart beat harder and harder against his ribcage. He brushed his hair back and stared blankly in front of him as he kept panting in air.

He didn't know how much time have passed. They were already in the suburbs of Moscow near the Soviet Union's mansion when the driver woke Reich up from his trance.

"Mein Führer, we are almost there you should get yourself ready." Reich looked up and could see the mansion getting closer and closer. He then suddenly was thrilled to meet the Soviet Union, he was filled with so many energy he almost jumped out of the car.

The car stopped, the driver opened the car door for Reich and he immediately jumped out of the vehicle. As he waited for the driver to take his suitcases out he put his cap back on then went to shake hands with him.

"Thank you Hermann." The driver didn't say a word just saluted.

Reich looked up at the mansion, it didn't really fit the usual Soviet style it reminded Reich more of a baroque castle. It was probably Soviet's childhood home. The building itself had a light yellowish colour and gargoyles were to be seen along the walls. There were also a few mythical deities craved and sculptured under the windows. It surprised the German a little bit, but he didn't have time to wonder because the front door in front of him opened revealing a small servant.

"добро пожаловать Third Reich." Said the servant politely. "I hope you had a pleasant journey, Sir." Reich went up to the stairs, now standing in front of the man.

"Well, thank you, it's a pleasure to be here." Said Reich as a big smile was plastered on his face.

"Now if you please, let us have to worry about your luggage, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is waiting for you. Please follow me." Reich was quite impressed by the servant's confidence nevertheless the German followed him.

The interior of the mansion was quite cosy. Red carpet and framed pictures lead the way throughout the hall. They climbed upstairs and at the end of the corridor was a big double door. Reich assumed that this would be Soviet's office. The small servant knocked on the door.

The Soviet Union looked up from his paperwork and simply grunted a 'come in!' The servant then timidly opened the door.

"Сэр, the Third Reich has arrived." The Russian then put down his pen onto the table.

"Thank you Sergey, send him in." The servant just nodded and went out the door and the next one to open it was no-one other then the Third Reich.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Well then, Hello Reich." Said Soviet in a low voice. Reich couldn't help himself he felt himself loosing his stance.

"Hi Soviet." His smile was growing on his face.

"Shall we begin then?" Said soviet and beckoned to the chain sitting in front of his desk.

"Yeah, yes, let's get down to work." Giggled Reich and as he made his way to the chair he swayed a bit and almost fell over but Soviet caught him in time.

"Wow are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah... just a bit tired from this long journey."

"Are you sure you're alright? Wait let me get you some water." Reich sat down on the chair while Soviet got him a glass of water. He put it in front of Reich and also sat down on the other side of the desk, facing the German. Reich took the glass into his hands and downed half of its content. He slumped down in his chair.

Soviet watched this total mess in front of him. They surely won't be getting out of this meeting today. Reich didn't really look like he was aware of himself.

"Reich, are you high?" Asked the Russian a bit disappointed.

"What? No! I'm not high." Replied Reich as he sat up straight again rubbing his palm into his face again laughing bitterly as he tried to collect himself.

Soviet just sighed to himself and began to pack his stuff up as it was quite obvious they won't get anywhere like this.

"SOVIET UNIOOON!!" Suddenly exclaimed the German as he stood up from his chair. The Russian just looked at him. "What are you doing? We're supposed to be making a deal with each other and here you are packing away? This is probably the most important meeting in the century and you are packing away? With this pack history will change!" Soviet also stood up and went in front of Reich. "Go sit back down in that chair!" Swayed the German again.

"No, Reich, not while you're in this condition, come on you should rest." Said Soviet in a low voice.

"I don't need rest I-" he cut off mid-sentence as a terrible headache hit him. He clutched one of his head to his temple in attempt to stop or at least to reduce the pain. The Russian once again sighed and helped the German out of his office.

He asked one of his servants which guest room did they made up for Reich to stay in and lead the German into it.

The German simply took his uniform's coat off, dropped into the ground along with his cap and fell on top of the bed. God he is so screwed he thought but couldn't bring himself to care.

Soviet just watched from the door step shaking his head. What the hell Reich? He knew that the German has been facing great difficulty since he became a country but he never thought that he would do drugs to relieve stress. He barely even knows what the German has been doing in the past two years. He never answered his letters which made him wondering if he even got them?

Soviet looked at the German for the last time before going back to his office.

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