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The two countries sat down facing one another a desk between them. Reich did his best to ignore NSDAP, he didn't know how he got here.

Soviet took out some ink and a pen out along with some paper.

"Tell me Third Reich, about your offerings to me." Said Soviet as he leaned back in his black leather chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Reich smirked and tilted his head upwards.

"Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, I would like to make a non-aggression pact with you."

"Could you please elaborate what you exactly mean under non-aggression?" Reich found it amusing how professional the Russian tried to seem, I mean he was professional but his eagerness made him less authentic. Reich just kept on smiling and shook his head a bit.

"I see how serious you are Soviet, but honestly can't we just take it easy?" Said Reich and he also leaned back at his chair, opening his arms. "It's about neutrality and peace towards each other." The Russian raised one of his eyebrows.

"As far as I'm aware you joined into an anticommunist pact, that is against my ideologies." Soviet said as he tilted his head.

"Well, it is true that we formed the Axis with Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan but our alliance rather relies on similarities of our ideologies rather than hating on one particular." Responded the German whilst shifting a bit in his chair. He could feel the stare of the political party still standing in the corner.

Soviet smiled to himself

"Well then, tell me about your proposal." He opened his arms, then sat closer to the table.

"First of all I would like to emphasise that this pact is to strengthen the peace between our countries. There shall be no aggressive acts of violence between us." With that Reich stood up and started pacing around the room.

The Russian listened intently to his words but he found something off about Reich he couldn't put his finger on. He couldn't deny the fact that he still had some feeling for the German but he couldn't decide whether Reich truly changed that much, either way he would keep an eye on him.

"Secondly, should one of us act violence on a third party country, the other must not lend their support to either of them. The rest is about conflict resolving and our parties must maintain communication that is if any problem comes up between shared interests or exchange of information." Said Reich and stopped behind the chair he had been sitting on and rested his arms on it.

"How long will the treaty live?"

"My suggestion would be 10 years prior."

"Alright, and after the expiration?" Reich turned away, he looked at NSDAP in the corner.

"You... could extend it for another five years... if you wish." And he turned back. Soviet saw how the German frowned a bit

"Alright, is that all?" That is when NSDAP started moving away from the corner towards Reich. The German stood still for a few seconds then quickly sat down on the chair again.

"Reich? Is that all?" NSDAP stood right behind Reich's chair burning holes with his stare to the German's head.

"Come on Reich, answer the question." Said the party with a sweet voice.

The Russian started to get worried, just what was up with Reich? The German clenched his fists, closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. Then he looked up at Soviet, his whole demeanour had changed, a similar smile was present on is face that NSDAP wore.

"No...there are a few more things, but I want them to stay between the two of us." Soviet furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"Alright, let's hear it." He said as he tilted his chin upwards

"It's about land, Soviet, territories." The german's smile just widened and Soviet's eyes widened.

"What Reich, you want to start a war?" The German suddenly angrily hit the table. "Quit hitting my furniture." Barked out the Russian.

"It's not about war Soviet, I have to make living space for my people!" Said Reich in an almost desperate voice.

"You know what Reich? I'll hear you out what you have to offer." After he said that the German got really excited and asked him to quickly bring out a map. Soviet laid the map down on the table and Reich got up from his chair and stared pointing at areas and his plans how he wants to split them up with Soviet.

"So the land of Poland will be split up like this: the area from the west of Vistula will be influenced by me and the east side by you, you also get the baltic states and I'll show complete disinteredness towards Bessarabia and the Southeastern part of Europe. Does this sound good?"

Soviet just stared at the map. Everything would benefit him. It kinda threw him off how calculated Reich's steps were, how he knew what Soviet wanted even though their lack of communication. It was truly amusing. Soviet smiled that and looked up at Reich. The German looked in his eyes with full of glee and excitement. Soviet held his hand out for Reich to shake it which he did.

"Shall this be our secret." Said Soviet with a satisfied grin.

"Don't relax just yet Sowjetchen, we still need to sign the pact."

"I'll give the script to my secretary to type it down. It'll probably only be ready tomorrow for us to sign."

"Oh yea yea, that's fine we don't need to hurry, we have a ton of time don't we?" Laughed Reich a bit nervously. Soviet of course noticed that but decided not to point it out.

"So how long are you planning to stay?" Inquired the Russian

"Oh well, actually I was supposed to be on a quick visit, I have a lot of things to do in my country, you know how it is... But... maybe I can stay for a day or two more." This time the fake smile fell off of his face and a genuine one appeared. This is the Reich Soviet remembered. The Russian let out a small sigh and smiled at the German then he put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's good to see you again Reich." Reich looked confused for a moment, but then he also smiled at Soviet.


It's good to see you too."

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