Three Cheers not for Sweet Revenge

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The ambulance left with Cole in it.

Ada was shattered apart, sat by the huge three of the Millers. She couldn't even cry. The chock was bigger than the old revenge feeling, or even the new sad one. Her own father did this. He was never a good man, but she could never imagine such a thing about him. And, just like Ed, he moved on. Miserably, but moved on. Well, maybe he didn't move on at all. How could she guess where he was? With Ed it was different, in years, he was among the living again. Perhaps he didn't move on, as she first thought. Perhaps, he went back to the living world to say sorry. 

And now he would move on. Most of you may think that's not fair, like our little friend Adelaide, blind by rage and revenge. Which, as we noticed, was not the right answer. Sometimes the right answer is hidden deep down on us, so deep that not even we ourselves can find it. So, we create other ones, perfectly reasonable ones. But not right, they just look right, but don't even feel right. We always know, we always feel it.

Some of you may think Edmund deserved to experience death, again. He spent the rest of his years being miserable, and Bartholomew suffured slowly till his very last sight.

The last thing Ed could do was to say sorry. He begged for it, to come back, to say that he was a fool. 

But the past can't change. How we feel about it can.

Those were the thoughts running through Ada's head when Kevin approached her:

-- You good? How you feeling?

--- Surprinsingly better.

--- Well, for me that's not a surpriese. Will he be okay?

--- Oh, Cole? Yes he...he will be fine.

--- Great.

--- How 'bout ya mom? Wanna go see her tomorrow?

--- Can be. Seriously, you don't look very well.

--- I look what? Dead? Cuz if it is it, you're right.

--- No, it's no that, not exaclty.

--- I need to say something.

--- Go ahead, Ada.

--- I don't know how in Earth I can ever thank you. I will help you with your mother but that's not enough, comparing to what you did to me. You literally set me free.

--- No, Ada. You set yourself free. You forgave, but don't forgot. You moved on, and I just watched, amused.

--- So, we are even?

--- We always were. Thanks for fisrt showing up for me at first. I've changed a lot thanks to you, you know.

--- No, you haven't.

--- Of course I did! Look ate me now! I made new friends and, well, it's more in the inside, I feel different. 

A pause.

--- I won't forget you.

--- What?

--- When I leave, to I don't know where the hell is it, I won't ever be able to forget you, either. 

--- Neither I will! C'mon.

--- Wish I could hug you tight right now.

--- Try it.

--- How come?

--- Try it, I don't know I just said try it, before I change my mind. 

--- You know we can't, right?

--- Got 30 seconds?

They both stood up, looking at the full moon. 

--- I beg your pardon?

She shrugged her shoulders.

--- Got ten seconds, then?

--- I do.

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