The aftermath

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Eventually Micheal stopped. He swiped his bottle of vodka and walked straight out the fire exit. Christine lay there dazed for a second. Her whole world had been flipped upside down once again just like it had 17 years ago. She heard the bell go. The fire door was still open, she scurried to close it, as the tears burnt her face. She didn't want to be alone in that moment, but at the same time she didn't want anyone to know what had happened. Eventually she built up the courage to unlock micheals office door. She couldn't look back. She had to get out of there. She walked out into the open air as she stood leant against the office door.
"Christine?" Started Sonya "are you alright?" For a moment Christine put on a facade smiling
as she began to collect auderys printing. But Sonya wasn't stupid. She'd heard the screams. And she could see the pain in Christine's eyes. "Let's go get a tea? Yeah" she said taking Christine's arm and leading her into the staff room. Christine couldn't say anything.
"Tea?" Said Sonya
"Em" started Christine as tears began to fill her eyes again "no Thankyou Sonya" you could hear the pain in her voice.
"Hey" said Sonya "what's happened?"
"Nothing" she said "it's fine, everything's fine"
'Christine, you've got strangle marks around your neck, and there's a stench of vodka coming from your mouth ey, and I heard everything, are you going to tell me that's nothing"
"I made him angry" she said as tears streamed down her face "it was my fault"
"What was your fault?"
"I should have just done what he wanted" as her tears got more and more intense. She couldn't control her emotions anymore
"What's happened?" Said Tom walking into the staff room "what has he done?" Christine didn't say anything she just looked down as her tearfilked eyes rolled down her face bitterly.
"She won't say" said Sonya
"Why don't you go home Christine? Take the day off ey? Get your head together" she shook her head. The thought of that house made her skin crawl.
"I.. I.. I .. can't go home" she bawled "he'll he'll be there.." she started to hyperventilate uncontrollably
"Hey, breathe" said Tom "you'll make yourself sick"
"I feel it" she sobbed but she couldn't tell a soul what had happened.. half an hour passed when audery came in absolutely livid. Sonya was sat beside Christine comforting her, she'd calmed down a little bit.
"What happened to my printing!!" Said audery livid
"Nows not the time audery" said Sonya
'You know my year 12s needed them sheets" Christine didn't say anything "you promised me you'd get them!"
"I'm so sorry audery" said Christine as rhe tears started again
"Oh Christine I didn't mean to upset you" said audery
"I'm erm I'm on break duty" said chritine flinging on her coat, too, following after her.
"What's happened?" Said audery
"Michaels  happened audery"
"He's not?"
"Well considering the fact she's got strangle marks down her neck, and all you could here from the office was screaming, I'm going to make the assumption he's done something pretty bad" she whispered
"Has she not said what" Sonya shook her head
"She's pertrfied audery, absolutely petrified"
"Well you've got access to the cctv"
"I couldn't" said Sonya shaking her head
"She needs help, something bars happened in there, and she's too scared tell us what's happened."
"You do it, I'll give you the password" audery nodded as Sonya lead hee into the office
"What time was it?"
"Just after morning bell"
"Okay I've found them, they seem normal to me... OH MY GOD"
"Audery what is it? Audery?" Sonya peeked her head around the screen "oh no"
"Oh poor Christine" Sonya stood horrified "she needs to go home"
"She won't, shes scared to death"
"She's got a mate, I'll ring him"
"You know his number?" Audery nodded as she dialed it into the office phone
"Hello, hi, have I reached mr Windsor?.. hi, it's audery, Christine's friend, from Waterloo road, there's er. Been an altercation, I think it's best you come and take Christine home... I'm afraid it's bad.." audery hung the phone up as she nodded to Sonya "he's coming within the next hour"
'We need to tell Christine we know audery" said Sonya
"I know" nodded audery opening the fire exit "come on" as they wondered over to the steps as Christine was chatting away to the year 12s as normal, not as bubbly as usual but.
"Christine" started Sonya "can we erm have a word"
"Yeah, course" she nodded "I'll be back in a minute" walking iver to audery and Sonya
"Me and audery we er.."
"We know what happened Christine.." Christine fell to the floor as her whole world came crashing down

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