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Ever since the Friday night, Christine had completely blanked Tom. It was awkward. But at the end of the day, he was her boss, she'd have to face it at some point. As soon as she got in she spotted Audery who seemed way to eager to speak to Christine for half seven in the morning.
"Christine" nodded AUDERY
"Audery. What can I do for you?"
"Dynasty Barry"
"I'm on it, don't worry about it." Nodded Christine "send her to me in registration and I'll have a word, I know she's been down recently and I'll try and get to the bottom as to why" nodded Christine
"And also" started AUDERY "as your freind, I thought it was only right to let you know the rumours circulating, obviously your not pregnant it's all just staffroom gossip, but"
"AUDERY." Said Christine with wide eyes "it's not silly rumours" Audrey's face instantly filled with embarrassment "I'm er" she said pressing her hand against her stomach "20 weeks pregnant"
"Well that's just brilliant isn't it, congratulations" said AUDERY "I didn't mean."
"No, I know you didn't." Nodded Christine "maybe I am stupid ey, but I'm happy being stupid with a baby girl."
"You're not stupid.., wrong use of words, bet connors extatic"

"hes happy" nodded christine "look audery i better be off, I've got a meeting with Tom this morning, but we'll catch up later alright?"

"I er don't think you do have a meeting with tom"

"how so?"

"theres a woman in their, ginger, maybe just a little older than yourself"

"probably a parent or something" started christine as she walked up the steps to the school, audery didn't argue and turned the other way as Christine went into the office.

"Morning sonya" smiled christine "Tom busy?, parent in their?"

"Not a clue, he'll be a while by the sound of it though, ex employee or something?, who knows?, don't think she's a parent though, best ask grantley, he seemed quite suprised to see her"

"Not very often Tom draws the blinds is it ay.." smiled christine 

"you don't think.."

"Oh god no, he wouldn't" laughed christine "not toms style" 

"i'll come get you if you want when he's done, save you hanging round here"

"no, it's alright, i'm waiting from a call from connor anyways, and besides, i'm just as curious as to who he's closed the blinds for, as you are" sonya just smiled 


"oh go on then why not ay" sonya re appeared a few minutes later with a brew "you're a gooden you are sonya, I tell you, thanks"

"you're more than welcome" nodded sonya

"oh, connors not in today" she started

"how come?"

"Job interview in london with some swanky chef, don't get me wrong i've never heard of him like, but connor recons he's all over the telly,  and Maggie seemed to know who he was, so maybe i'm just some kind of dinosaur ay.." 

"Whats his name?"

"oh god knows I can't remember, your better to ask connor"

"do you recon he'll get it?"

"I don't know, but I know they've called him back for the second round of interviews today so that's got to be some kind of sign hasn't it ey, I really want him to get the job, I really do, Because he deserves the job, but my fear is his criminal record will show and they'll send him packing, but I don't know."

"well the second charges where dropped of arson"

"finally, and i'm praying they'll realise the first ones  were years ago now, and it happened for areason, i'm praying they'll tell him that when they bring it up"

"well you can only hope for the best"

"oh  for sure"  said Christine "right" she said looking at her watch "it's 8:15, and according to the books, i've got a meeting with Tom so" she put her tea down on the small coffee table "i'll wash that up after"

"your naughty going into a meeting like that" laughed sonya

"how am i to know someones in there" smirked christine opening the office door "oh sorry Tom, i didn't realize you were in a meeting,  I thought we had a meeting scheduled, my bad, I'll come back later" She had a sole focus on  Tom, she hadn't looked at the woman in tom's office quite yet

"Er, no, it's alright, we did have a meeting planned, How about you come back in a minute Christine, when i've finished with mrs fleet" it was at that moment christine made direct eye contact with the woman..


"Christine Mulgrew" ...

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