oh Tom

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"TOM" she screamed rushing over to where he lay "TOM" his eyes were flickering "Tom please, tom just say something, please. Tom!" tears trickled down her face as blood gushed from the back of Toms head. "tom, please we need you, the school needs you, I need you" she dialed for an ambulance whilst still leaning over Tom sobbing her heart out "oh please Tom, I can't do this without you" a few minutes later ambulances flooded the playground and paramedics pushed christine out of the way.

"what happened?" said a female paramedic

"he er, he fell from the er roof" she sniffled

"and you are?"

"his fiance" she sniffled

"he's got a pulse" shouted a man.

"were going to take him to greenock hospital, he's going to need urgent care upon arrival, your welcome to follow behind, but you won't be able to see your partner for a good few hours"

"but he's going to be okay?"

"its too soon to say" said the woman. and christines instinct reaction was to ring Rachel..

A couple of hours later, Rachel met her at the hospital.
"Oh rach I didn't mean you had to come.."
"Oh don't be daft" she said wrapping her arms around her "I was hardly going to leave you on your own was I?"
"But what about Ollie?"
"Adams watching him, he's fine honestly" she nodded "have they er, said anything yet?"
"Not a word" she shook her head. Her eyes were bright red from crying Rachel just stared dead into them.
"He'll be okay, I promise, it's Tom Clarjson we're talking about."
"Oh I don't know so much"
"I can't loose him. Not after Andy. I can't" she sobbed
"Hey hey, I know"
"You told Tom?" Christine nodded. Even Rachel knew how hard it was for Christine to talk about it
"Somert happened, and it knocked me for six" she sniffled "I had to tell him. I don't know what id have done that night if he wasn't there"
"Did you tell him about..."
"I told him about grace. If that's what your asking" she nodded "I wasn't going too. But it sort of all came out.., sorry"
"It's alright, it hurt you too. I see that now" she nodded "did you tell him about..."
"Not properly. Even I can't tell him that. I still feel so guilty about it.. especially now.."
"But it wasn't your fault" said Rachel
"No. I know that.. but me leaving. That was my fault. I did that to myself."
"Christine you had Connor at home. I'm not suprised you went home.."
"But I shouldn't have should I?, I owed it to her to stay. No matter what. But I didn't did I. I walked away. She needed me, and I wasn't pissing there"
"Christine, you went home for three hours, if that. You weren't to know what was going to happen"
"They said. She'd be fine. They said that"
"Christine I know. I was there" nodded Rachel "it was a freak thing, and it wasn't your fault"
"I can't do this" she sobbed "not without him"
"You're never on your own. No matter what happens, alright"
"I can't do it on my own again"
"You don't even know what's happened yet Chrissy ey, just don't think the worse"
"It's hard not too"
"I know" said Rachel "I know".. "have you told the girls yet?" She shook her head
"I'll do it" she sighed "when I know exactly what's going on"
"Don't you think it's best you do it now"
"I'm going to have to use toms phone" she muttered rummaging through her pockets, she'd took it off the dashboard in toms car.  "I feel dead nosey doing this"
"He'll appreciate it in the long run" she nodded Christine nodded tik
"Hello?, mikka?, it's Christine, yeah it's Toms partner, yeah. Er. Mikka I need to tell you something, but I don't want you to panic, because we don't know how bad it is yet. Toms had an accident.. he's fell off a roof.. I'm not sure yet... okay love.. are you okay to let chlo know for me?, thanks love, alright, I'll see you soon... I'll send you the address, okay love, speak to you soon"
"Mikkas coming down, she's in Glasgow on a uni trip so.."
"You've met mikka before haven't you?"
"Once" nodded Christine "when Tom had little
Izzie for a few days, I didn't meet chlo like, but mikka popped round to see her, she's on a uni transfer at the moment so"
"Christine.. what actually happened?"
"Kyile stack, and the roof.. Tom ran up, to help, but he ended up slipping.. oh I don't know, it all happened to quickly"
"It'll all be okay you know" fhros

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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