The pub

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"Sorry for leaving you in the learch on your first day" said Tom carrying a tray over to the table Christine was sat at.
"Oh thanks" she said as he passed her an orange juice
"I owe you big time for throwing you in at the deep end" chuckled Tom
"Oh it wasn't all that bad."
"So did you get to the bottom of the Stevie thing"
"Yeah. It's all sorted, it wasn't really much to do with shaznay after all.. but it's all under control now"
"You got the truth out of Stevie?"
"It's crazy how much you can get out of a kid when you show them your human"
"Well from now on any child who won't open up to me, I'm sending right down the corridor to you then" chuckled Tom "thankyou for taking over today though seriously, I appreciate it"
"It wasn't a problem" nodded Christine
"How's everything else then ey?, you?, Connor?, the baby?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm actually alright for once, Connor's ecstatic to be back into school, and the baby well I'm glad you asked really, no one at home really mentions it, I mean I get why they don't want to upset me, but honestly it doesn't"
"What no one mentions it at all?"
"Only George this morning, but only because I bought it up first, god we weren't half having a good laugh though, I don't think I've ever told you about where I had my Connor, pissing hell"
"I don't think you have.. go on I want the story now I'm invested"
"You know havelock."
"Well before it was havelock it was about 60 thousand other things, and me and George had both been transferred around the same time. Well. I was pregnant with Connor at the time right. But it was back in the day where booze was most definitely in the picture. Not heavy booze like it was when I started here. But it was there. So anyways it was a rare occasion, I was stone sober, and I remember that part the best.. so anyways. I was mid lesson with my year 10s, and if I remember rightly, not that I could forget, it was banquos death we were reading. And you know with my luck, I ended up in labour mid way through an English lesson. But I had absolutely no idea. And my year 10s thought it was acting out Banqos murder scene" laughed Christine and Tom joined in too "it wasn't until my year 12s came in for the next lesson when one of them actually clicked on and ran straight across the hall to George.. and that's how my son was born in an English classroom"
"Bloody hell" laughed Tom "Bet that was an interesting day"
"Oh yeah. I'm just glad I never went back" she laughed "there's definitely some permanent damage to that carpet now" she sniggered
"Probably why they've put wood down in all the other blocks"
"Probably" laughed Christine
"Well if we could refrain from that happening again I'd appreciate it" laughed Tom "I haven't got the money to replace the carpet"
"I'll try my very best" smiled Christine
"I'm not suprised you never went back"
"I went back once. And that was to hand my bloody resignation in, and even that was comical"
"You're gonna have to cover me again next week.." said Tom
"Alright no worries"
"There's a d of e meeting"
"Okay, no problem" nodded Christine "Just leave your office in a cleaner state next time, pretty please"
"Well for you I suppose I could give it a quick dust over" laughed Tom "it's been a bit unorganised.. Micheal didn't have much organisation"
"Tell me about it! I lived with the man. I'll give you a hand at some point sorting it out"
"You don't have to do that"
"I'm your deputy aren't I, it's my job to help you"
"Alright. Just let me know a night your free and we'll do it"
"Well. Don't think I've got any other plans other than feeeling sorry for myself. So just let me know a night"
"Yeah alright.. oh but, Friday, I might be an hour late to work. I've got an appointment. I did try my hardest to get it outside of school hours but you know what the nhs is out"
"Yeah no worries, just add it to the diary, everything alright?"
"It's just a routine check up thing I think.. I actually don't know, I didn't think to ask"
"Makes sense ey, how far along are you?"
"17 weeks this Friday"
"I'm suprised you can't tell"
"OHH you can, when I casually breathe"
"Oh bless ya"
"I just can't wait for this trial to be done"
"When's the hearing?"
"Next week. I think." She sighed
"You shouldn't have to keep it a secret for two much longer than ey"
"We'll see about that"

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