"What are you doing here"

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"I came as soon as I saw" she started. George shook his head. He didn't want Christine to know it had ended up in the paper. But Christine wasn't stupid.
"He's a sick twisted little bastard. I'll kill him" started Kathy.
"Who are you on about?. What are you on about"
"That toe rag. That head teacher. Oh Christine it's all over the flaming paper. You should have told me"
"I'm going to be sick again" she said heaving over the sink as tears flooded her face, George holding her hair back sympathetically whilst Connor stood in shock at his gran outing the secret George and Connor had tried desperately to dispose of.
"Christine?" Said Kathy "you're not I'll are you?"
"Can you just go mum. Please" started Christine
"I've come back for you" said Kathy
"Well that was different Christine. There was diffent circumstances. We didnt even know until you had the boy"
"No I know, sorry love. But this time it's different"
"No. No the only reason it's different is because it's made the sodding paper. If it hadn't made the sodding paper you wouldn't flaming be here"
"No now that's not true"
"Yes. Yes it is" said Christine "connor, go with George to the shop ey, do me a favor and get me some of them sucky sweets I like. You know the ones I mean don't you. Treat yourself too ey, my purse is in my bag. Take my card"
"But mum.." started Connor
"For me Connor please" said Christine
"But I'm worried about you.." he started
"Hey no. What have I told you ey. It's my job to worry about you not the other way round. It should never have been the other way round either, it's okay Connor. I can look after myself for 20 minutes ey?"
Connor nodded "I'd give you a cuddle eh, but I don't think you want to stink of sick" Connor exchanged a brief smirk, before wrapping his arms around his mum
"I don't care. You're my mum" he whispered
"Go on ey, or they'll be shut for there lunch break by the time you pair get there" Connor nodded
"If your sure" said George
"I am" she nodded. As both Connor and George left the hand.
"Christine I'm sorry"
"I haven't got the energy to dwell in the past right now mum. As you can see. I'm struggling to deal with the present" she sniffled
"I didn't mean to upset you by coming today. I genuinely care about you. I promise you"
"I know you didn't mean any harm. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I am sorry mum"
"No sweetheart you've got enough to be angry at and upset about, you had every right to be angry at me popping up out of the blue. Tell you what though ay. I didn't even realise that was our Connor stood in the doorway he's grown into such a gentleman Christine. You must be proud."
"He's my boy, I'll never stop being proud of him" she muttered
"I thought you'd know it was in the paper." Christine shook her head "nope. I had no idea until you said. I'm not that surprised though not really. I just really didn't want Connor to know. But I know he knows. It all makes sense now ey" but she couldn't finish her sentence she just began to breakdown as Kathy ran over to comfort her "oh mum" she sobbed "everything's a bloody mess, I don't know how long I can keep this up I just don't want to hurt him again. I feel like that's all I do is hurt him" she bawled
"He understands Christine, he's not a baby darling, no one is going to let you fall into the same trap as last time either. No one destroys my girl like that. No One"
"He's won mum" she sobbed "he's already won."
"No he hasn't.. he hasn't won. Not this time. I won't let him"
"Mum you don't understand" she started
"Then make me.."
"I'm pregnant" she sobbed
"Oh Christine, why didn't you say"
"I didn't tell a soul mum. He was fuming over it mum. He was going to kill me the day he got his two week sentence it's a wonder he didn't get a sentence for ABH at the same time"
"And how do you feel about that ey?"
"I don't know anymore mum. I was happy. And I still am I think. It's just harder now. After it all. I'm not even sure if I could go through with it again mum. Not after Connor."
"I know you can" nodded Kathy "your Christine Mulgrew eh. By far the bravest woman I know. And almost certainly the bravest women that son of yours knows ey. As soon as he's formally charged. It'll be easier. You and I both know that"
"I suppose" she mumbled
"How far along are you?"
"About 14 weeks. I think" she muttered
"You been up the doctors yet?"
"Yeah" she muttered
"All good?"
"Well that's good then. You told Connor yet?"
"He told me" she giggled a bit "he thought that's what all this is about"
"Well it's probably a good job he knows the truth. It was bound to come out at some point"
"He shouldn't have heard it from a poxy paper. I should have spoken to him. I'm still going too.
He deserves to know it all"
"You don't have to explain it to him"
"No. Mum. I don't. But I will. I said no more lies. And I meant it."
"I just don't see why you have to"
"I just do"
"Well I've got to go" said Kathy "I've got a date"
"Its just great to know where your priorities lie" she muttered as she slammed the front door shut

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