office clearout

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"didnt think you were coming" said tom as she opened the office door

"i said i wouldnt didnt i?"

"you alright?, i can do this on my own you know if you want to head off home"

"no im alright" she sighed "todays just been a whirlwind"

"you can tell me you know?"

"its fine honest" she nodded "er sorry for coming in later than i said i would be in, i just really, and i mean really needed an hour or so to get my head around things"

"is everything okay?, with you and the baby like?"

"yeah, all thats fine.. George has had to up and leave though, and Micheals trials been pushed forward, not to mention the fact connors got a job interview in london this weekend but" she slowed down "its fine, atleast it will be"

" well you know where i am ey?" she smiled sympathetically "did everything go okay this morning though yeah?"

"oh that was a whole other shock to the system but thats a story for later when sonyas ears arent in shot"

"okay fairs" said tom "i dont think theres too much to do, i mean the draws need tipping, but i sort of feel like they need sorting through first just in case theres anything slightly vaulable"

"yeah alright" nodded christine as she began collecting scrap paper into a bin bag.

"he didnt half hoard tat"

"oh i know" said christine "youll probably find a few cheeky love letters from sian in there. that man quite literally kept EVERYTHING" they both laughed

"take it this is yours?, or unless.."

"no go on, say his name, finish what you where going to say"

"it doesnt matter"

"Tom, saying his name isnt going to send me into meltdown you know, I mean, yeah he did some really, and i mean really bad things, but at the end of the day, there was good things too.."

"unless micheal used avon lipstick in shade Rose" christine sniggered

"Well its micheal, so it wouldnt suprise me.." she laughed "no im joking its mine but its probably been in there two years honestly just bin it"

"if you say so" About an hour had passed, when tom had reached the last of the draws, Christine had stole Toms office chair as she watched him go through the final box. "pissing hell"

"what?" said christine "oh my god"

"are you alright?"

"yeah, but i thought hed binned all this, i had no idea he'd kept it.. Wow"

"Whys it here?"

"i have no idea.." said christine rummaging through the box herself "I thought hed bin the lot of this.."

"do you want it or?"

"yeah" she nodded "yeah i do" she said continuing to rummage through the box "theres framed photos in here and everything... I'm actually so confused right now" she said falling back in Toms office chair

"Im not suprised you are"

"It's the first ever scan photo we ever got, God i remember that day so well, God id had a massive scare it was absoloutly horrible, especially cause micheal was gutted too, we were both convinced we'd lost her. But we hadn't thank the lord. It's just a shame the booze ruined him really.. then again he wasn't really the committed family man, i mean he did connor good until he went of the rails but.."

"You don't need him, and I mean that, you'll be great on your own, like you are with Connor I'm 100 percent sure of it, honestly"

"No I know" she sighed "It's just the thought of being alone that scares me, especially now, i didn't think Connor would fly the nest so soon to be honest. And George, I mean I knew he had to go back to his own life at some point, but i didnt think he'd leave so soon, but then again hes been here two months so im not really that suprised at all. I mean no, i know im not really on my own because you know ill have my baby girl but, its different"


"oh yeah, I got told this morning, quite exiting really, I just wish there was different circumstances but, it doesn't change anything, not really.."
"Bet you're excited about that then ay"
"Oh yeah, definitely"
"Tell you what ay, we'll finish up here and go and grab a bite to eat ey? My treat, to say thankyou for your help, and also a celebration ey?"
"Your on" nodded Christine  " this is such a side note.. but dynasty barry? Is she okay? She seemed really off this morning and in English last period she wasn't her usual self in the slightest"
"I've been thinking the same.."
"Tell you what I'll catch up with her Monday. Somethings not right Tom. I can feel it"
"Good plan" nodded tom

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