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As soon as morning bell went, she made her way down to the office. It was an odd feeling. George had already spammed her mobile, same with connor, she replied to Connor first of course. She felt ever so guilty about his trial being pushed back, connor was getting bored out of his wits end at home on his own, and she knew deep down he was scared, even after all hed tried to hide it. Christine took a seat on the purple sofa just outside the office, she was trying her best not to think about being there, but the thought made her heave.

"you alright?" Said sonya

"just the joys of over powerful perfume" she said brushing her off

"tell me about it" christine just smirked.

"Christine?" said tom popping his head round the door

"Tom" said christine standing up and walking towards the office door. trying despretly to not think about any of it.

"take a seat" edged tom

"didnt take long to erase the bastards name did it." she said staring back at the door sign and then back at tom "im glad you got the job, you deserve it more than anyone"

"yeah well robert Bain wanted a clean slate so" christine nodded

"the council robert bain?"

"did no one tell you?"

"tell me what, i mean no, probably not no one tells me anything these days"

"the council, theyve taken over, id have thought M.." tom stopped himself "the er transfers been going on for weeks"

"Micheal probably mentioned it."

"it good to have you back" said tom changing the subject

"its good to be back" she nodded

"thankyou, for setting cover"

"well its my job isnt it" she smiled but it differed away "one twisted man destroyed my life once. It's not about to happen again"
"About your .job.." started Tom
"You're not about to sack me are you Tom" she started "I mean I know the whole thing doesn't look great on the press front but it's hardly my fault..."
she admittedly started to panic as tears began to flood her eyes
"Oh Christine no" said Tom shaking his head "it's a good thing, it's not bad I promise, Christine it's me, as if I was about to let you go.. it wasn't your fault"
"Oh" she mumbled whipping away her tears "sorry"
"Don't be ey, no." Smiled Tom "it's a good opportunity and I recon your right for the job"
"What job?"
"Robert Bain, from the councils coming in, to speak to you about a promotion" smiled Tom
"Only if your up to it" started Tom
"Okay" nodded Christine
"He'll be in soon" smiled Tom
""Alright no worries"
"How's Connor ey?" Started Tom
"He's alright. Hes upset. But alright" noddded Christine "it's tough for him. The trial and that, and all this, poor kids been round the block once and here we are again. It really is like history's repeating himself"
"It's such a shame he couldn't do work experience" started Tom
"He's gutted about it. But Imogen's round so. Doubt he'll stay that way" smirked Christine
"And you? How are you?"
"Better than I have been in the last two weeks" smiled Christine "Nikki? Where's Nikki?"
"Well that was random"
"Well I've just realised I haven't seen her this morning.."
"She left. With Lorraine."
"Lorraine soon handed the school over... then again suppose she feels ashamed. She kept that bastard employed..."
"George er..."
"George what?"
"George told me about the baby Christine"
"Oh right... I was going to tell you, at some point."
"No I know" nodded Tom
"Just don't tell a soul. Yeah. Not yet. I'm not having it make the paper."
"No I understand" nodded Tom "and how's that ey?, how are you feeling?"
"It's the light at the end of the tunnel" nodded Christine "but it's not been a pretty picture so far" nodded Christine "and this sickness thing is most definitely not a peaceful bike ride" she smiled
"George said you were happy about it"
"I am" smiled Christine "I just wish there could have been different circumstances"
"Well as your freind, I'm here" nodded tom "you're not on your own, ever"
"Thankyou" nodded Christine
"This job offer, it'd be goof for you" nodded Tom
"Grantly looks better" started Christine
"He's getting there slowly"
"He shouldn't have had to juggle the English department single handedly on his return though"
"It was under the circumstances, no one really had a choice" started Tom "Grantly didn't mind. You know what he's like, he gets a few extra pennies, he's fine about it. And anyways you were organised with cover, I on the other hand was not and if anything it was my lack of cover work that caused the chaos.."
"If you'd needed cover, you know all the PowerPoints I made are in the staff shared" laughed Christine "all you had to do was ask"
"Robert will be here in a minute.. are you okay to do the meeting in here?"
"Yeah" nodded Christine
"Okay" smiled Tom. A few minutes later Robert Bain  arrived and walked into the office..
"Sorry I'm late" he nodded "that traffic is a nightmare" Christine just politely smiled
"Shall we get started?" Started Tom
"Christine, you don't mind if I call you Christine do you" said Robert shaking her hand
"Not at all" smiled Christine taking a seat
"Can I get you a drink? Tea, coffee?" Started Robert
as Tom drew up a chair at Christine's side of the table
"I'm okay thankyou" smiled Christine.
"Well welll get straight into it then ey?" Started Robert "well Christine, as you're aware
, Tom here has taken over as headteacher..." he went to go on
"Since Micheal left, yeah I have been made aware" nodded Christine in reassurance it was okay to mention it.
"Yeah well, obviously beforehand we would have still had a deputy, given we had nikki, but as she left around the same time as Micheal.. we're a deputy down you see" Christine didn't say anything but Tom gave her a reassuring look.
"I'd like you to take on deputy head" started Tom "if you're up to it?"
"Me?" Started Christine
"Well Tom here has told me about your fabulous work as head of year 12, and as getting to know the pupils themselves, many mentioned your name as a staff member they feel comfortable talking too"
"But.." syarted Christine
"It doesn't matter, I think you're the right woman for the job and so does Tom, all that's left for you to do is sign the papers?"
"Okay" started Christine
"Yeah?" Said Tom
"Absolutely" nodded Christine "thankyou"
"You can start formally as deputy from next Monday if you'd like" starter robbery
"That's brilliant thankyou" said Christine shaking his hand once again.
Tom shot a smiling glance at Christine Christine smiled back.
"Now I've got a meeting with a ms mcfall" started Robert "but I'll leave the paperwork here and you can sign it and I'll grab it on the way back"

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