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It was the day before Connors hearing. Christine had built up the courage to go down to the station and give her version of events. Little did she know her version of events would completely flood the newspaper the following morning. Since she'd returned from the station. She hadn't left the guest bedroom. George had offered to swap. He knew just how hard it wood be for her in there.
"C?" Said George creaking the door open as sun gleamed through the window "are you awake?"
Truth was she hadn't slept a bit. She was a mess.
"Mhm" she nodded
"I've made you a brew" said George placing it on the bedside table.
"Thankyou" she nodded
"How are you feeling today ey?, did you get much sleep?, Connor said you were up till the early hours"
"I just don't want him to know George. I really really don't" she sniffled
"No I know" nodded George "but he'll have to know soon enough c, you know that better than anyone"
George had already seen the paper for that day. And he knew Connor would find out. George had already had the conversation with Connor that morning aboht what had happened, Connor was heartbroken for this mum, but geogre had told him to play it on the low, he didn't want Connor knowing to upset Christie anymore than she already was But he wasn't about to tell Christine that. "Connors making you breakfast downstairs. I'll tell him you don't feel up to it if you want"
"No. It's okay." Said Christine "I let him down once. I'm not letting that boy down again"
"Er. Tom popped round early this morning, he said you can take as much time off as you need"
"He doesn't know does he"
"No. Course not" but of course he did. As Tom was acting head. They had to inform the school there was a sexual assault investigation going on. And Tom had already put two and two together. It wasn't rocket science.
"I'll be down in a minute" nodded Christine
"Can you tell Tom I'll be back in on Monday please"
"Christine are you sure?"
"Lying around here feeling sorry for myself is doing nothing George. I need a purpose George. I need something to do"
"If your sure" Christine slipped on her slippered
"Come on then Gordon's made breakfast" said Christine trying ti smile. But it's the best George had seen her since the day.
"Morning mum" smiled Connor as Christine wondered into the kitchen
"Well whatever your cooking doesn't half smell delicious" but Christine could sense something off. She could see a deepened sadness in his eyes "Connor, are you okay?"
"Me, oh god yeah I'm fine mum, it's just the onions" smiled Connor
"You sure? You know you can talk to me about anything don't you?"
"Yeah, course" nodded Connor
"Soooo, what you making"
"A suprise"
"Ooo. Well that sounds exiting" smiled Christine "so you ready for tomorrow?"
"Yeah, it'll be fine." Smiled Connor
"Yeah course it will love" smiled Christine
"Go on, go in the lounge, I'll bring this in when it's ready"
"Well thankyou very much mr Ramsey." Smiled Christine. Obviously hee facial expressions completely changed when Connor was out of sight but. Non the less. She was proud of herself for pulling through that.
"You sure?" Christine just nodded "it'll all sort itself out now. I promise"
"No, it won't" she shook her head "there's more than just that bastard to sort with. It's Connor's bloody trial tomorrow. And I don't even know if I can sit through that. He deserves a bloody better mother than that. I should be able to do it for him"
"And you will be able too, I promise, I'll be there. I won't let you go alone." Christine didn't say anything "mum" shouted Connor "you've got post" said Connor coming in with a handful of letters.
"Thankyou son" said Christine taking the letters and ripping them open one by one. And Connor left the room. "Bills, bills and oh look more bloody bills"
"Mhm yeah cause the nhs send bills Christine" said George
"That doesn't matter" mumbled Christine "I'm not going end of"
"Christine, whether you like it or not, you're pregnant. And that's not going to go away. You know that c"
"I know" she mumbled
"I'm not saying you have to keep it. Obviously Christine. You've got options but"
"I know. I'm not about to kill my own flesh and blood. It's as much a part of me than it is that bastard. I did it with Connor. And I'll do it again."
"And I'll be behind you every step of the way. I promise you that"
"Here you go mum" said Connor parading into the lounge smiling proudly at his food creation
"Oh thankyou Connor, right little chef you are aren't you ey" smiled Christine
"You feeling better today mum"
"Yeah" nodded Christine
"Ill go make you another brew" said George
"Oh thankyou" she smiled as he left the room "this is lovely Connor, absolutely lovely" she said shovelling the food onto her fork.  But suddenly a wave of sickness hit her, as she dropped the plate onto the coffee table and fled into the kitchen almost knocking George off his feet. As she heaved into the kitchen sink. "Oh god" she said catching her breath after bringing half her breakfast up
"Mum?" Started Connor
"I'm sorry Connor" she mumbled
"It's not your fault mum. Don't be sorry" he smiled
"You okay?" Said George
"Just something I've just got to get used to ey?" She smiled taking a sip of water only to heave it back up in seconds "oh god"
"CHRISTINE" shouted a familiar voice as the door opened

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