Christines birthday

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It'd been two months since Connor had left, he hadn't been back since, Micheals court case had been pushed even further back due to lack of venue's, and Tom well, Tom had moved in to Christines. Tom's flat had been put up for sale by his landlord, leaving him nowhere else to go, so Christine took him in, it'd been fun. There had been no word from Dynasty Barry, not since Connor had told Christine about the blackpool thing, but Christine hadn't given up, she was too worried about the lass. It was the morning of Christine's 40th birthday, all she could hear was hussle and bussle downstairs, so she slid on her slippers and headed downstairs. It was early, especially for a saturday, so she was slightly confused.

"morning love" said Tom "I was just coming up to you!, happy birthday!"
"Oh, thanks" she mumbled still half asleep
"I've made you a cuppa" smiled Tom
"Oh thank you love"
"No worries!, did you sleep alright?, you where tossing and turning"
"Yeah, fine, think it's just micheals court case next month, it does play on my mind just a bit but, you know, it's not a suprise"
"You can talk to me if you want too, you know that don't you?"
"Yeah, course" she nodded
The door went.. "who's that?" She said to Tom confused
"MUM!" Said Connor
"CONNOR!" She said rushing to the front door and wrapping her arms around him "I wasn't expecting to see you today!, how are you? How's London?"
"Well it's your birthday isn't it!, couldn't miss that could I!, Londons great mum it really is!"
"That's brilliant" she smiled "come in I'll fix you a cup of tea!"
"Mum I've only been gone two months, the Tea bags are still in the same place they where when I left, I'll make my own brew"
"alright" she nodded
"Mr clarkson" said Connor
"Tom" said Tom
"Oh mum, I've got you a present" said Connor rummaging through his coat pocket "here"
"Oh Connor you didnt have too" she said opening it up "oh Connor it's beautiful!, thankyou" she said kissing his forehead "you really didn't have too love, you being here's enough"
"Well I wanted too!" He smiled "happy birthday mum"
"Thankyou love"
"Me and Imogen are taking you out for lunch. No arguments!"
"If you insist" she nodded
"Don't forget we've got that meeting today" said Tom
"What meeting?"
"The one with Robert?, I did tell you, it's in the calender too"
"God I really do have scatter brain. Yeah, 3:30? Right?"
"Yep, that's the one"
"I had in my head that was next Saturday"
"We did have a rant sesh when we found out it was on your birthday.."
"And we probably did Tom, but my head doesn't like to remember things right now" she laughed 
"I know" he laughed too "right, I'll see you later, Waterloo at 3pm? Okay?"
"Yes!" Said Christine
"I'll message you before hand, just incase"
"Bye love" he said kissing her before walking out the front door.
"Is it just me or does he seem very odd this morning?"
"Couldn't possibly say mum."

Connor had dropped Christine off at Waterloo at 3, after lunch. But there was no sight of Tom?, she rang him a few times but no answer. Odd. And there was no cars in the car park. Finally Tom emerged from the entrance.
"Tom?, where's Robert?"
"He cancelled, last minute" said Tom
"You didn't say"
"I couldn't get a signal"
"What's with the balloons?" She said
"What balloons?"
"There" she said pointing at the window, and when she looked back Tom was on one knee. "Oh my god Tom"
"Christine, I know it's sudden, I know it's only been a few months, but I love you. I really do. And after izzie, I learnt to cling onto the good things in life, and I, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.."
"Tom. It's been three months ..." she said in shock
"No I know. But I want us to be proper, I want this all to be proper. I know it's stupid, just"
"Tom, Tom, Tom. I didn't say no did I?" She said raising  her eyebrows
"Christine. Will, will you marry me?"
"Course I bloody will" she smiled he smiled too
"I love you" 
"I love you too" he said kissing her.
"I can't believe you had this all planned out, I should have known better than to think Robert Bain had scheduled a meeting for Saturday.." she laughed "Tom?"
"Wait here.." he started running down the back of the school and climbing up the steps to the roof
"Tom what is it?" She shouted but then she saw it.  A lad not much younger than Connor on the roof
"Kyile?" Shouted Tom "what are you doing?"
Christine could barley make out the rest of the conversation
"Be careful" she shouted "please" but she watched, she watched as his feet slipped off the corner off the roof. She watchesd as he fell to the floor. She thought he was dead. And the mysterious black figure on the roof ran for there life...

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