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it had been 3 days since kathy had been round. christine hadnt batted an eyelid about her. she wasnt there then, and at the end of the day, she wasnt gonna be there now. connors court trial had been pushed back a few weeks due to the courts being overcrowded, and christine had decided it was time to return to work. she knew itd be tough, but at the end of the day, she had to face it at some point. George had offered to drive her in, which shed gladly accepted, saved fighting for a spot in the staff car park.

"morning" muttered connor half asleep at the breakfast bar as christine wondered into the kitchen

"morning love, you alright?, sleep well"

"yeah, you?"

"yeah good" she nodded "youre up early to say year 13 arent in and are still on work experience"

"yeah well" started connor but george butted in

"annoyingly christine, the walls arent soundproof, therefore whilst you were running backwards and forwards. up and down the hall, the rest of the house did think the olympic marathon was happening" christine didnt say anything, but george followed by a nervous laugh, christine joined in too.

"well i do apologise" she smirked flicking the kettle on

"oh im only joking c, you cant help it"

"i know" she smiled "wheres imogen?, i thought she was staying the night"

"she did, shes still in bed" said connor

"oh right okay" nodded christine

"we need to leave soon" said George " if youre still addiment to go in to work"

"i am" she nodded

"are you sure mum?"

"im sure" she smiled "honestly"

"well you cant argue with that ay connor" said George "you ready then?"

"yeah" nodded christine "ill see you later connor" she said kissing his forehead

"bye mum, good luck" said connor

"and youre 100 percent sure you want to do this?" said George holding the garden gate open

"absoloutly" nodded christine

"if youre sure"

"i am!"

"alright, well if you want a lift home im only a phonecall away okay?"

"okay" she nodded.

a few minutes later George pulled up outside waterloo.

"Ta for the lift" smiled christine

"take it easy today ey?"

"you must be talking to the wrong christine mulgrew" she sniggered. he did too.

As Christine began to walk down the corridoors, she could already hear the gossip. But, it was to be expected, thats what happens when things make it in the paper ey.

"christine?" shouted Tom. it didnt half make her jump though.

"Tom, what can i do for you?"

"could i see you for a minute in the deputys office, after first bell?"

"Thought youd gotten the big promotion to headteacher ey?"

"well... yeah i have but..."

"You dont need to Baby me Tom. I know what youre trying to do, and i appreciate it, i really do, but i dont need you too tom, honestly"

"i just didnt want to make you uncomfortable in the main office that's all"
"It's one of those things Tom, I'd have to face it at some point." She smiled walking swiftly down the corridor.
"Christine?" Said AUDERY suprised as she turned a corner "what are you doing here?"
"Well I sort of work here AUDERY" she chuckled "but thankyou. For calling George. I appreciate it."
"And how are you now ey?"
"Yeah well, Connor's trials practically gojng to be cancelled, the legal system are basically doing their job and well..." she paused "I'd say there's some positives going on which partially out way the negatives"
"I'm proud of you for going to the feds though. I mean that"
"Yeah well. I let a rapist win once. I wasn't about to let one win again.. just didn't expect the blab to make the newspaper, but here we are ey"
"I'd er, stay away from today's newspaper then"  started AUDERY
"What do you mean"
"I'm showin you this as a freind" muttered Christine pulling a paper out of her bag.
"Oh it's fine. That's not even the worst of them" she laughed sympathetically trying to lighten the mood "why oh why AUDERY did I happen to move to the quietest town EVER."
"Don't get me started" said AUDERY  holding the door open as they wondered over to the staffroom.
"Ahh! Grantly!, hope year 12 weren't too difficult for you ey" said Christine spotted Grantly
"You're so ahead, I thought I'd opened the wrong cover envelope" laughed Grantly "it's good to see you"
"Well thankyou for covering, I appreciate it ey, it's good to be back"
"The way you teach is very engaging" said Grantly
"Yeah well, if you don't they'll fall alseep eh" smiled christine "ill make it up to you at some point, promise"

"CHRISTINE!" shouted sonya from the other side of the staffroom "How are you!?, that top! the colour suits you christine it really does!" but deep down christine could tell she felt guilty. "im so sorry"

"Sonya" smiled christine softly "slow down, its okay, im glad you did what you did, honestly, youve got nothing to be sorry for." sonya started to sniffle "its okay" said christine wrapping her arms around her "its okay now, im okay now" for a minute christine paused 

"no youre not.." started sonya. christine shook her head

"but i will be, soon" she nodded "its still early days, eh"

*the bell rang*

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