George arrives

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The whole playground stood silent. Connor approached in the distance "mum?, hey come here it's all okay" said Connor wrapping his arms around her "come on, let's go inside and you can tell me what's happened okay?, it's okay mum. I'm here"
Cold shivers took over Christine's spine, it reminded her far too much of Joe 19 years ago. Christine stood up as Connor guided her inside. AUDERY and Sonya guided her inside
"Sorry" mumbled Christine "I didn't mean to cause a scene"
"You didn't mum, don't worry"
"So er" said Christine wiping her teary eyes "how's your morning in the kitchen ey? You enjoying it?"
"It's been really good mum, I'll have too cook for you and Micheal tonight"
"Maybe another night ay?" But the tears welled in her eyes once again
"Mum. What's he done?"
"Nothing love" said Christine holding her hand up against her face "honestly"
"Mum, don't lie to me. Not you aswell" Christine didn't say anything, she didn't need too "oh mum" sighed Connor as he wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his shoulder "I won't let him hurt you again. I mean that. I'll kill hin when I get my hands on him"
"Christine?" Said George opening the staffroom door.
"George?" She said as tears trickled down her face. In a way she was releifed to see him. If she was to tell him. He was there before.
"Come on ey? Lets get you home"
"Mum" said Connor
"Let's just get your mum home ey?, I'm sure she'll explain it all later ey"
"I'll come with you" said Connor
"No" said Christine "you stay here okay?, Maggie needs you in the kitchen doesn't she ey? What's she gonna do without her top chef" said Christine placing her arm on his
"I'm worried about you mum" he started
"You don't need to worry about me" nodded Christine "i look after you remember, not the other way around. It's not the old days anymore. I promise."
Connor didn't say anything and he just left
"Come on ey, before they change there mind and get you to teach again"
"Alright" as Christine followed George to his car. she didnt say a word on the drive back. george begged her to speak. but she wouldnt. she couldnt find the words. as soon as they pulled up she locked herself away. George ran after her, desperate to help his oldest and dearest freind.

"christine please. tell me whats happened. it breaks my heart seeing you in a state" he shouted from the other side of the bathroom door "C, its me, George, whatever it is, im not about to gossip about it am i ey, christine. please." all that he could hear was a muffled sob "christine come on, and you cant make out its nothing because audery called..." the door creaked open

"she told you?" she said eyes wide like a puppy dogs

"no" said george shaking his head "oh christine come here" said george wrapping his arms around her "whatevers happened, you can get through it, ill be right behind you"
"you dont understand" she sobbed "I can't do this. Not again"
"Do what again?"
"It's all happening again George" she sobbed
"What's all happening again?, hey. Come on. Tell me" but he knew deep down what had happened.
"It's like" she stuttered. She struggled to get her words out "it's like farmer all over again" she bawled
George just held her tight "George I can't. I can't do this again. I barely made it out alive last time. Oh George" she sobbed
"It's different this time c, you've got me. And you've told me. You haven't kept it all to yourself for 10 years. I'm so proud of you for telling me, and I am willing to do anything I can to make this easier for you. Okay?"
"I don't want to do this" she sobbed
"But c, you have to pull through this. Or he'll win. And you don't want that to happen ey?" Christine just shook her head "you take all the time you need though, okay?"
"I need to go to the police. Don't I" she sobbed
"When your ready" nodded George
"I'll do it. Soon"
"That's okay" nodded George "go on. Go get into your comfys and I'll make you a brew ey?, your not on your own. Not this time."
Christine heard the door go.
"No. No no. Please tell me this isn't happening" the footsteaps echoed through the house
"Oh. Oh Connor"
"I know why your upset mum."
"You do?" Said George
"And you don't need to be. It's totally cool if you and Micheal are having a baby. It'd be good for us all I think."
George was gobsmacked. Christine on the other hand felt a sense of relief.
"I'd have told you sooner but, figured Micheal better know first ey?, how do you know?" Said Christine wrapping hee arms around him
"Imogen. She er saw the test or something. I don't know. Anyways, I've got to head back; I've only popped back on lunch. Bye"
"Bye son" she said sharing a false smile before she got the all clear of the door closing.
"You were lying to Connor? Weren't you?"
"I wish" she muttered as tears flooded her eyes once again
"So you're actually pregnant?" Christine nodded
"Oh c, I wish you'd said something. That's why you called the other month isn't it. That's why Michaels gone of the rails isn't it" Christine nodded "oh c, I wish you'd told me"
"I didn't want to admit it to myself" she sobbed
"It's okay. I'm here"

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