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Angeldust sat with his thoughts. Looking at the bag of of coke in his hands, and sobbing. He didn't want to, but the thought was nice.

"Fuck!" he yelled throwing the bag at a wall, a picture of him  holding Fat Nuggets on the day he was given to the spider, fell down behind his dresser from the impact. His eyes widened.


Nuggets was immediately alerted and ran to the side of Angel's bed making noises of distress.

Angel lifted the pig and closely hugged Fat Nuggets into his shoulder basically rocking him.

About thirty minutes past since Angel stormed out, Cherribomb came down from her room as Husk was closing.

"Did he come back yet?" Cherri asked.

Husk nodded. "Stormed up to his room bout a half hour ago."

Cherribomb seemed concerned. "The fuck you mean stormed off? What the fuck did you say to him?!" She asked her voice getting louder.

"I didn't say nothing. He said he was withdrawaling I told him to lay on the couch and id bring him a snack he didn't like that I guess."

Cherri's eyes went wide and she completely ignored everything else Husk said.

"He's What?!" She was pissed, the one thing they never did was lie to each other.
"No, no no, Angie told me he's been clean for almost a week!"

Husk nodded. It wasn't his place to say anything about how high angeldust was when he got to his room with Fat Nuggets last night. But he understood why she was upset. He stayed silent and sipped his booze. He finished up what he was doing and two went upstairs.

Angel eventually got off his bed, to move his dresser just enough to get the picture that had fallen.

He walked over to the dresser and locked eyes with a photo he forgot was behind the one of him and his pet.

It was a photo he had in his pocket when he died, of him and a guy.  He slammed his fist on his dresser.  Nothing was making this easier. He bend down and grabbed the picture from the floor, took the one that was on the wall, placed the picture of him and Nuggets back where it belonged. He went back to his bed and put the picture on the nightstand. While he was at it he put the bag of cocaine in the drawer. He lucky had stopped shaking but, now he was in the cold sweats stage of withdrawal.

He laid back on his bed grabbed his lap top and put on some music. It wasn't the most effective coping mechanism he had, but he didn't really want to use the other ones, there's only so long until Charlie finds out if he keeps getting high, cause he hates the come down.

Sometimes he wished he did kill his father, would have saved him a lot of trauma, but he wouldn't ended up stuck with him down here, like he already was anyway, maybe he wouldn't have died so young if he did.

There was a knock at the door. Angeldust didn't want to answer it he didn't want to be seen like this.


It was Cherribomb.

oh shit! He thought to himself.

He opened the door before she even continued speaking.

"Fuckin right you open the door." She walked straight into his room Husk just kind of hovered in the door way not really understanding why Cherri wanted him to come too.

"What did I do now?" Angel asked confused sitting on his bed.

Cherri grabbed his shoulders.

"Angie," she said calmly. "When the fuck were you gonna tell me you relapsed?"

Angeldust looked past her to Husk.
"You fuckin told her?!" He yelled.

Cherri moved back into his line of view,

"Aye, don't you fucking change the subject!"  Cherri stated. "You come home, don't even say you're on the way back, I go downstairs and he says ya ran off to ya room, I almost beat the fuck outta him for no reason cause I thought he pissed you off? What the fuck else was he gonna say than the truth?!"

"I-I'm sorry." Was the spider could say.

Cherri took a deep breath. She hugged the spider. "I'm not even fuckin mad bout that Angie! You never kept secrets from me, Fuckin me, bitch! So why ya doing it now?"

Angeldust couldn't look at her anymore. Husk felt extremely awkward, he still didn't understand why he was brought up here.  His tears came back now.

"I- shit's different now Cherri! You're trying to stay clean too, so why the fuck would I tell you when I fuck up?"  His voice broke as he choked the tears back enough to speak.

"Angie, that ain't -" Cherribomb was interupted.

Husk didn't want to butt in however, he felt like he had to now. He finally entered the room sat his quarter full bottle of booze on Angel's vanity.

"Ehhhh Actually, he's got a point." Husk defended. "You got every right to be upset, but he ain't wrong for worrying that his relapse could effect your own recovery."

Angel finally looked up from the floor. He waved his hands as he spoke.

"Thank you!"

Cherri took a minute to calm down. She nodded realizing Husk was right. She apologized to Angeldust and left the room. Her emotions were still high so she decided to give herself a moment to get over how hurt she was.

It was silent and awkward.

Angel looked at Husk he was basically eye level with him since he was sitting in the edge of the bed.

"You didn't tell her I was high last night did you?" Angeldust asked breaking the silence.

Husk tisked.

"She's ya friend, I figured she already knew bout last night. The way she reacted proved me wrong, and I chose to keep what I knew to myself. Hell technically I'm required to tell Charlie shit like that, and I haven't even done that."

Angedust was surprised. He didn't know what to say.


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