Eighty Four

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It's been about a month.  Emily assured Charlie that Molly could come back to heaven but, she's unsure what these circumstances could mean for Cherribomb. She threatened the very balance of everything with her actions. Even if it was Molly's choice.

Molly wasn't ready to go back to heaven yet. Her dad still hadn't been found and she didn't fell comfortable leaving her brother with that asshole around.

Husk was at his Casino in his office, it was a slower day as far as his soul dealing goes, but the casino was busy. Fat Nuggets was in his office just relaxing on the couch and enjoying not being alone in the apartment today. He wasn't left alone often and never for more than an hour but, since the break in Husk either brings him to work or Anthony takes him wherever he goes because, the pig has too much anxiety when he's left alone now.

Anthony was out with his sister on a lunch run. They were at some fast food restaurant. Molly was just glad He didn't take her somewhere expensive again. She wasn't materialistic. Anthony wasn't either but, he liked the fancier things because they reminded him of the life he wanted and not the life he had. He might as well be the king of faking it until you make it because, he did that.

Anthony ordered a burger and fries. He ordered a chocolate shake to drink.

Molly got a chicken sandwich and french fries with a vanilla milkshake.

"So how ya like it down her?" He asked.

Molly shrugged.
"It's...... Interesting. Oh and the smell for fuck sakes."

Anthony chuckled. "Yeah, ya get used to it eventually. It's just the smell of rotting corpses."

She shook her head.

"Really? Christ Tony, you're broken."

He shrugged then fixed his hair and tisked.

"Oh I know. It's Why everyone loved me. Broken is my best quality."

She rolled her eyes.

"That most definitely is not but, at least you own it." She disagreed.

Anthony shrugged again. He took a bite of his burger and a sip of his shake before he spoke again.

"Is Mom up there too?" He asked.

His sister nodded. "Of course she is."

He sighed. He kinda felt bad for not wanting to go to heaven. He missed his mom, and he was sure she missed him but, this is where he belonged. Why bother changing fate now?

"When you do go back, could you tell her I love her, and that I miss her?" He wondered.

She nodded. "Why don't you co-"

He shook his head. He put his top two hands on each of his sisters shoulders. He talked calmly. "Molls we talked about dis. I belong down here. And what about Husk, and Fat Nuggets. He's a hellpig he wouldn't get t' come with me." He sighed.  "Who would take care of him?"

She nodded. Molly understood, he had his own life down here as much as he wanted Molly and his Mom in it again, it just wouldn't work out. He'd be leaving one family for another and that wasn't fair to him or Husk, or Fat Nuggets.

"Sure Tone, I'll tell her." She agreed.

They had finished their meals by now. Anthony stood up and threw away any garbage they had, he wrapped an arm around his sisters shoulder. She's probably the only person here that was as tall as him.

"Thank ya, Molly." The two demons left the restaurant they were eating at and walked around Pentagram City.

They walked for fifteen minutes Anthony wanted to get slushies. He  stopped dead in his tracks and put a hand out to stop Molly from walking any further. He grabbed her hand with one of his and turned around, he hid behind the corner of a building and watched his father from a distance not wanting to make a scene yet but he was going to kill him.

"Fuck Tony, what the hell?!" She asked in a loud tone.

"Shh! Keep your voice down! Fuckin dad just walked into a bank."

Molly raised an eyebrow. Who's bright idea was it to have banks in hell? She wondered. It did kinda sound like a horrible idea.

"We're going to follow him, you're going to show me what you can do. And don't fuckin die on me."  He instructed.

She was so excited. She was hoping she'd get to fight her father with her brother.

The waited about ten minutes before realizing their father still hasn't left the bank.

They wandered just ten steps forward and went down a side street to the back of the building. Luckily their was a back door for employees. Unfortunately it had an electric lock, and probably an alarm inside. This could go bad if they got it wrong.

"Shit!" Anthony groaned. He didn't have experience with this shit because he died in the forties these things didn't exist in his time.

Molly smirked though. They were all over heaven and she taught herself hot to disarm them. She took out a bobbing pin from her hair and pushed her brother aside gently. Anthony watched her questioningly.  She stabbed the bobbing pin into the seam of the plastic cover and popped it off.  She unplugged a yellow wire, and then a blue one, and lastly a red one. Then she put the face back on and pressed enter. The door opened without a problem.

Her brother's jaw might as well have been on the floor. "Okay you are so, teachin'me dat!" He stated.

She chuckled and shook her head. She put a finger to her lips as if to tell her brother to shut up. She held the door open for him as walked into the bank behind him.  They didn't stand straight up, they crouched through the back hallway of the bank since they'd didn't know exactly where their father would be. There were several hostages. Anthony and Molly motioned to all of them to be quiet.

Anthony was hidden under a teller desk he peaked out one side of it and cought a glimpse of his dad.  Molly ran out in another direction without warning. He face palmed. What about not dying does she not understand?! He groaned as he thought.

"Hey sperm donor!" She yelled. Taking his attention from the bank tellers throwing money into a burlap sack.

Fuckin Christ Molls! Anthony thought. He took out his extra set of hands along with all six of his guns.  And ran out. Dad was throwing punches at his sister and missing she kicked him in the ribs a few times with two out of six of her legs.

"Molly duck!" He instructed and she did. He pulled the trigger on his guns all of them aimed at their father.

"Eat lead sucka!" He yelled as every round emptied into his father. Thank exorcists and Carmila Carmine for holy bullets.

The bank tellers were so pleased by the rescue mission they wrote Molly and Anthony a check for ten grand each and thanked them several times on their way out.

Molly dusted herself off from her ten minutes she laid on the floor. Anthony dusted himself off too though he wasn't dirty.

"We make a good team." Molly mentioned.

Anthony smirked and nodded.

"You still can't stay here, Molls. But, you're right, we do. We always have." He stated.

Molly nodded. "I know. Now that dads out of the way, I understood if you don't want me arou-"

Anthony's eyebrows furrowed. He just realized how shitty he's been sounding. "Hey! You're my fuckin sister. Maybe I don't want ya too involved in my life cause, I don't want t' be the reason you're stuck here. But, til ya do get t' heaven, we can always hang out. I'm sure Husky wouldn't mind if you came to visit." He stated.

Molly hugged him and rested her head on his chest floof because she wasn't tall enough to reach his shoulder like she thought she was. Curse you Tony, and your twelve inch heels. She thought.

He knew Husk was still working but he texted him anyway because, if he wasn't busy, Husk would answer.


Hey is it cool if Molly stays over for dinner?

🎲 Shnookums 🎲

Of course it is

With that Anthony and Molly walked back to Husk's car, he so generously allowed Anthony to barrow and drove back to the apartment.

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