Forty Two

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"Doomsday District?!" Angel yelled as the pair got thrown out of a portal.

Husk nodded. He was happy about it, but Angel seemed to be for a split second.
"Seems like it."

Angel's face fell, his eyes narrowed once, he remembered why he left.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Angeldust groaned.

Husk raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"My pops pretty much runs this whole part of the pentagram. I ain't suppose ta be here."

Husk's eyebrows furrowed as he facepalmed.

"Well shit."


The couple walked around the city, and chatted about random things, chuckling from time to time as they neared their destination.

Husk took out the picture with Alastor's botched ass handwriting. Husk squinted at the paper.

"Am I just drunk or is that not legible?" Husk's asked, handing Angeldust the picture.

Angeldust chuckled reading the old fashioned script handwriting.

"You're drunk. We need to be over there." He pointed across the street so a shitty Casino. He furrowed his eyebrows.

He flipped the image over and gasped. He looked like he seen a ghost. Then he smiled devilishly.

Husk raised his eyebrow.

"You know that guy?" Husk wondered.

Angeldust licked his lips and sucked his teeth as he looked for the words. He turned the paper over and pointed at it with one of his other hands.

"Dis is ma father. That is his business. And we're here to kill him! THIS IS THE BEST FUCKIN DATE EVER " Angel couldn't contain his excitement.

Husk looked up at him with his eyebrow raised, and his face contorted with confusion. Then he chuckled because it was cute but, he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

He extended his hand and Angel placed took it. Husk

"That's cute and all but Webs, this ain't a date. If I had a choice we wouldn't be here. When I get a day off, I will take you on a real date." Husk assured.

Angeldust pulled him into an embrace wrapping all fours of his arms around Husk.

"Still counts as a date ta me Scnookums."
Angeldust answered, before placing a kiss on the cat demon's cheek. He unwrapped his arms from around Husk and held his hand again.

"Doe I'm sure, I'd love whatever ya consider a 'real' one, this is still sick as fuck." Angel admitted using finger quotes.

Husk just chuckled. The two quickly ran across the street hand in hand.

"I've played a few games here actually. The pickings here are too easy." Husk stated as he held the door open for Angel.

"I've killed quite a few people here." Angeldust admitted.

They walked through the casino and sat at the bar. Angeldust ordered a glass of red wine, and a bottle of rum for Husk, who didn't really care what he drank as long as it was a decent sized bottle.

The two sipped their drinks and scanned the casino for their target. Neither of them spotting Angel's father.

Angel sighed.

"I guess now is better than any other. My name is-"

"Anthony?! The hell you think you're doing here?!" yelled a short greenish gray spider as he approached.

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