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Angeldust unlocked his door imma greeted by Fat Nuggets, but then the pig greeted the cat demon. Angel picked his pet up from the door laid on his bed with his back against the head board. Husk just lingered in the doorway

"Why do you do that?" Angel asked.

Husk raised an eyebrow. "Do what?" He asked putting his bottle of booze back to his lips.

"That! I invite ya to a movie, I don't expect you to stand the entire time for one, two you ain't even in my room!" Angeldust stated moving his hands around emphasizing what he's saying.

Husk just shrugged, he stepped into the room.

"Cause I don't know your boundaries, and I don't wanna cross any." He stated, walking into the room a bit now that he was called out.

Angel sighed and faceplamed. "Husky, it's really sweet ya care bout dat, but how the fuck you watching a movie from the Fuckin Door Way?" Angeldust asked with emphasis.

Husk just shrugged, and sat on the bed next to Angel, who opened his laptop. The two demons looked through movies on Voxflix.

"We should have made popcorn." Husk mentioned.

Angel sighed and nodded in agreement. They eventually found a movie to watch. They sat almost silence, the only sounds were from the movie and Fat Nuggets snoring.

Nobody was back when the movie ended. They both had nowhere to be. Angel liked his company and didn't want the cat demon to leave. He didn't really want to watch another movie so they sat in silence for a little while until he thought of something.

"You wanna play a game?" He asked.

"uhhhh sure?" The cat demon answered like a question. His eyebrow was even raised. "Ain't got nuthin betta to do." Husk admitted

Angel just awkwardly shifted on his bed. "Twenty questions?"

Husk chuckled. "that's a lot of questions, how bout ten?" He wondered.

Angeldust was agreeable, he closed his laptop and set it back on his desk. The movement caused a breeze, making the picture on his nightstand float slowly down to the floor. Husk picked it up for him.

"Thanks." Was all Angeldust said, he sat back on his bed. "You go first." He instructed.

Husk sat thinking carefully about his question.

"Um, what was your life like before you died?" He asked.

Angeldust tisked. Awkwardly, he played with his hands, right off the bat with such a hard hitting question.

"Well. My daddy was a mob boss. He took me on jobs when I was real young. Shot my first gun at ten years old. Got high for the first time at I think 15. Being gay was a death sentence in the time I was alive, so I never really had boyfriends just hookups here and there. I got down here, was on my own 'til my dad and brutha ended down here too, ended up joining my dad's mob again, kept my personal affairs outta it. Until I FINALLY left like I wanted to."

Husk just nodded. "Explains the Tommy guns I guess." He chuckled.

Angeldust nudged him, and nodded. "How bout you?"

Husk took a swig from his bottle.

"Oh uhh. I was in the army, had a wife, no kids. Didn't think it was right to start a family when, going back home wasn't promised. Uh, I wasn't nothing special, just a soldier, I was supposed to get promoted to Sargent but I was discharged for getting diagnosed with PTSD." Husk stated.

"Soldier huh?" Angel asked.

Husk chuckled.
"Yeah, guess we ain't too different, both made a livin' outta Killin'."

They had a couple of side conversations as they continued asking questions trying to keep the mood light. They were down to the tenth question. Husk was sure it was a difficult subject but he had to ask the question he's been dying to know the answer, especially now.

"How did you end up in ya situation? I mean, you were in the mafia for fuck sakes, why the fuck would you let that guy hit ya?" Husk wondered.

Angedust Chuckled. He took a deep breath and sighed. "It's a long story but uh."

They sat in silence for a just moment as Angeldust thought about the best place to begin.

"Well uhh He was a good fuck. The day I gave em my soul, I met up with him after my job was done. I knew something was up cause he already had drinks waiting at a table. I didn't dare touch the drink. But, he blew this weird pink smoke in my face. Everything got all spiny. Said he was still willing to get me outta the web of bullshit I was born to."

Husk's eyes widened his voice was littered with anger. "HE DRUGGED YOU?!" 

He held a hand to his forehead as he shook his head.  He wasn't a super powerful overlord before he lost his soul to Alastor, but he was an overlord, yet he couldn't fathom fuckin drugging someone into signing their soul away.

Angel nodded and continued the story. He explained that he didn't know what an overlord was, so he didn't really understand the weight behind selling his soul. He's been stuck ever since. He left out some details that he didn't deem important, as well as some that probably were important but the drugs distorted his memories to much for him to remember every detail.

"That's such fuckin bullshit. I get wanting more souls but fuck man. at least go about it in a less shitty way.  I ain't much better but at least my way was honest. If ya lose, ya lose that's the way of the game." Husk stated.

Angeldust shrugged. "It's a deeper than wanting souls, but uh yeah. It ain't just his fault doe, I shoulda realiz-"

Husk refused to hear Angeldust blame himself. There was nothing else he could have done in that situation and Valentino knew that.

"No. It ain't your fault at all. He knew exactly what he was doing. He took advantage of the fact you didn't know how shit worked down here. That's low, but to fuckin drug you?! Dude deserves to fuckin rot." Husk stated.

The conversation ended, when the two went back downstairs upon the realization that Charlie and Vaggy were back. Turns out they bought back some food for everyone. Husk went back upstairs because he was asked to get Alastor and Niffty. Then he returned back to the kitchen to eat.

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