Sixty Nine

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Friday rolled around sooner than Anthony expected. He and Husk made their way to the hotel to fulfil a promise to Niffty, and to visit their friends.

Vaggie and Charlie had left an hour ago, for a meeting in heaven, discussing the whereabouts of a certain spunky powerhouse. Husk and Anthony sat in the lobby on the couch, watching Niffty's puppet show. When the portal to heaven opened and Vaggie and Charlie came through it.

"Oh hey you guys." Greeted Charlie.

Husk greeted them with a half smile. Anthony waved at them, not taking much attention away from the puppet show.

"Any word on Cherri?" He wondered.

Vaggie took a deep breath. She and Charlie were still standing but they were now closer to the couch.

"Cherribomb is in heaven. We even got to talk to her. She said she hasn't found your sister yet, but she's looking." Charlie relayed the message, though she didn't know it was a lie.

The spider nodded but, kept his attention on Niffty's show or she's restart. In the end the bugs died and Husk and Anthony clapped, then turned their attention to the princess of hell.

"Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad she's okay." He stated.

Husk rubbed his back as he sighed. He knew Anthony was feeling a lot of emotions at once and he didn't do a very good job at feeling them. Or feeling the right ones. He wrapped his arm around the spider, and pulled him in for a half hug, before kissing Anthony's cheek.

Leith and Claire came down the stairs and greeted the winged cat demon and the spider.

"How are you guys doing?" Claire asked.

Anthony shrugged, a half smile appeared on his face he wasn't doing well. He and Husk spent three days looking for his brother and his father, he knew for a fact they weren't dead they didn't use holy weapons when they fought last time and alastor was dead so they definitely didn't get eaten.

Leith raised an eyebrow. He crossed his arms. "Alright asshole tell the rougarou what's up." He instructed.

Husk nudged the spider cause he saw the smirk Anthony was holding back and the motion broke him, the spider chuckled.

"I- we've, been all over hell trying to find one of the two assholes and I don't know where else to fuckin look!" He groaned. "We've been to Imp City, Cannibal town, I don't think they'd be in Pentagram City, I would have seen them at least once." He admitted, while groaning he just wanted answers.

Leith processed the information for a moment and thought. "Did you guys try Doomsday District?"

Husk facepalmed. He felt like an idiot for not suggesting it sooner.

"Isn't that where we went, when you accompanied me on that job?"

The spider groaned.and threw a bit of a tantrum flailing his arms. "I fuckin hate Doomsday District though! It's like the worst side of hell it's like- like Brooklyn in the 30s." He crossed his arms realizing the reason he hated that specific part of hell, was the exact reason why it was his father's stomping grounds. "Why didn't I think of that before?!" He smacked himself.

Husk chuckled. He looked at Anthony and held his chin, looking in his eyes. "Because, you didn't want to." He mentioned, Anthony rolled his eyes crossing his arms, he attached his lips to the cat demon's quickly but softly.

He sat up, and turned to his right to look at Husk waving a finger at him. "Ya know I'm beginning to hate that you know me so well." He stated.

Charlie, Vaggie, Leith and Claire. Just sat around enjoying the presence of the previous bartender and their first guest.

"Ya know if ya ever need a cannibal, for uhh..... Scaring purposes, I'm your guy." Leith mentioned after awhile of watching another roach puppet show. He had to watch what he said, after he devoured Alastor, Charlie made him promise he wouldn't eat anymore overlords. He was pissed about it because, overlords were the most deserving targets. The minute he felt Charlie's eyes on him he specified that he wouldn't actually eat anyone.

Though it was 10000% a lie.

Anthony chuckled. He shook his head running a hand through his hair.

"I got enough people in my mess, thanks for the offer but, no." He objected.

The rougarou nodded, and turned his attention back to Niffty's puppet show.

"Goddamn Niffty. This 's your most morbid one ye-"

Husk raised an eyebrow and put a hand over Anthony's mouth. His eyes narrowed. "Don't encourage her!" He pleaded.

Charlie had her knees tho her chest frozen in horror and her face showed just how traumatized she was from Niffty's Roach Puppet show. She wore a
Alastor's roach crown. After her second puppet show concluded, she climbed up onto the couch kicking her legs as she pulled herself up. She took off the crown and climbed onto Anthony's shoulder.

"I dub thee, New King Roach!" She cheered.

The spider's mouth dropped. He was so happy, he didn't understand what that meant but, he thought it was sweet. He immediately took out his phone and pulled everyone closer to him with all of his other arms before, snapping a picture.

Niffty's eye did the weird thing as if she was shut off, but the picture still looked good.

Awhile went by, Eventually Husk and Anthony said their goodbyes to their friends and went to Husk's Casino. Anthony went up to the apartment to change but, Husk had business to attend to.

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