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It's been a few weeks and Angel's been the cleanest ever. He smoked weed on occasion but, he wasn't on anything else.  For once he was proud of himself. Everyone else kept telling him they were proud too. It felt good to not let people down. It was early in the night roughly seven.

He was sitting in Cherri's room with her and Fat Nuggets.  He was sat on her bed two hands holding Nuggets and he propped himself up with the other two.

"Babe, you know you're trending?!" She wondered.

Cherri was sat on her bed as well with her legs crossed like a pretzel.

Angel raised an eyebrow.


She handed the spider her phone. It was all over Sinstagram and Voxtube. A video from the night Angel broke his deal.

"Holy shit!" He gasped.

She chuckled.

There was a knock on her door, Angeldust was closer so he got up and opened the door.

It was Charlie.

"Hey'ya Doll face." He greeted.

"Hey, how are you doing after everything?" She wondered.

Angel had a genuine smile on his face.
"Real good Char. Thanks. You gotta convince Husk to comeback I miss him."

Cherri rolled her eyes. Charlie laughed.

"You could always go visit his casino Angie." Cherri reminded.

He shrugged.
"I guess I probably should." He stated.

"We could all go!" Charlie cheered. Cherri threw a pillow at her.

"No! Let Angie have a date where he don't have to worry bout getting caught!" She pleaded.

Charlie agreed and left, glad they were both doing okay. Cherri and Angel went down to his room and helped him pick out an outfit. He wore black fishnet fingerless gloves two stopped as his wrist, the others stopped at his elbows and he wore them on opposite sides.

He wore a v neck purple top and a black skirt. He did his make up and put on some jewelery.

"Cute!" Cherri cheered.

Angel looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair a bit. "I look like shi-"

"Stop your shit Tony! You look good!" She stated before slapping his arm gently.

He nodded. He was probably just nervous, they haven't been on a date in a while and this was the first time Angel didn't have to be hyper aware of his surroundings. He looked himself up and down in the mirror, this time he smiled.

He hugged Cherri goodbye and grabbed Fat Nugget's leash carrying the ping in his arms as he walked out of his room and into the elevator. He clipped the leash to the pig's collar on the way to the lobby.

"Ooh where are you going?!" Niffty asked.

"To see my boyfriend at work." He stated.

He puffed up his chest and fixed his chest floof.

Leith gasped.

"You mean Angel is leaving the hotel?!" He teased.

Angel gave him four middle fingers as he walked out of the hotel with Fat Nuggets waddling beside him. He took out his phone and texted the cat demon.

See u in a bit 😘😘

️♣️Whiskers ♠️♦️

Are you walking here?!

That's a long walk!


I'll be fine Husky. It's just thirty minutes.

Husk still didn't like it but, Angel was gonna do what he wanted. He just in his office filing paper work before he went back out to the floor and made sure no fights broke out. The odd part was even without Alastor's help his casino was still doing really good. Nobody really noticed he was cheating to win. Angel only let Fat Nuggets walk half way. Thirty minutes was too long for his baby's wittle legs. So after fifteen min

Angel walked into the casino with his pig. The bouncer almost didn't let him in.

"We don't allow anima-"

"Yeah yeah, Husky knows I'm here. fuck you." He stated before walking past the sheep looking demon. But the bouncer protested anyway and grabbed one of Angel's arms. Angel slapped him with one of his hands and then again with another.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME, NumbNuts!" Angel yelled before kicking the demon in the crotch with the heel of his boot.

The yelling got Husk's attention and he rushed over to the door where the sound was emitting, from the bar where he was discussing inventory with his bartender.

By the time Husk got over to the entrance, Angel had the bouncer on the ground he had a fist in the air ready to punch the guy. The cat demon's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped looking between his employee and his boyfriend.

"What the hell happened?!" Husk asked while Angel stood up and adjusted his shirt and fixed his hair.

"He wouldn't let me in cause of Fat Nuggets." Angel stated in a protestant tone.  He was dusting himself off. "He grabbed my arm so I punched him.... Repeatedly." He stated.

Husk shook his head and helped the bouncer to his feet.

"Remember his face, next time he's here, you let him in. No questions asked." Husk stated pointing a thumb at Angel while he scolded his employee. He turned back to the spider and put an arm around his waist.

Angel looked up at the demon with a sarcastic smerk.

"I told ya!" He said clicking his gums as he rested an arm on one of Husk's shoulders. He lifted one of his feet. He looked down at Husk

"You're okay right?" He wondered.

Angel nodded as he continued dusting himself off.

"Purrfect." He assured.

Husk groaned and rolled his eyes. Then the two walked off to his office. Husk sat at his desk still filling out all the paperwork. He left the inventory paper with the bartender for him to check off what he needs and doesn't need for the bar.  Angel sat on the edge of his desk next to the cat demon. He took fat Nuggets off the leash since the door was closed. Nuggets waddled around the room, looking for a comfy spot to claim.

"Jesus that's a lot." Angel stated.

Husk chuckled and shook his head

"This ain't even half of it." He stated before pointing to a pile of manilla envelopes on a filing cabinet. "The rest I already finished and got it ready to be sent out." He stated

All eight of Angel's eyes widened.

"Dayumn! Husky, I could help?" He offered, he looked in Husk's eyes. He wouldn't out right ask but he really just wanted to be part of it. He used to offer help to Val cause he can't fuckin see shit and he fudges the numbers and it pisses off vox cause the business usually ends up short. But to Val, Angel's actual skills meant nothing to him. So he stopped giving a fuck. Told Val to stop fuckin complaining if he wasn't gonna take his help.

Husk nodded and handed Angel a pen. He split the stack of papers. The spider was very good with numbers, he had to be, his dad's mob delt with drugs all his life. It why he got so annoyed when Val treated him like he was just a marketable face with no other qualities. He had a plethora of skills. Together they finished up all of Husk's paperwork in under forty five minutes.

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