Forty Six

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A half hour at the casino went by. The couple played a few games, and went over to the bar where they currently were seated.

"This a nice place ya got Scnookums." Angeldust admitted.

Husk smirked, before he took a sip of the alcohol he requested. "Ya think so?"

Angel took a sip of his own drink and nodded. Husk admired his boyfriend again taking another sip from the glass.

"Anyone ever tell ya, you're gorgeous?" Husk asked.

Angeldust half smile and shook his head as a blush crept onto his cheeks. Husk held out one of his hands, Angel placed one of his lower hands in Husk's and the cat demon lifted his hand.

"Well, you are. Don't ever think otherwise Webs." He said before kissing Angel's hand, the spider grew flustered and bit his bottom lip.

"You like cards?" The cat demon asked.

Angel finished his drink.
"I do." He said with a genuine smile.

Husk smirked.

"Don't let 'em know that." He winked.

He finished his drink and stood up from the bar stool. Angeldust also stood and the two walked over to a poker table.

Angeldust chuckled. He sat across from Husk, in between four brollic men.

"Hey fellas." He said in a fake flirtatious tone. "Ya mind I join ya?" He asked not really giving them a choice anyway.

Husk did his best not to snicker. He rolled his eyes.

"You even know how to play, kid?" One of the demon's asked.

Angeldust shrugged. "I know enough." He assured. "seen my daddy play a few times." Wasn't a total lie but he was playing stupid.

The first hand Angel could have won but he chose to just keep going and threw away his best card, had to let them all this he's never actually played a game. The bets got higher but, he was losing on purpose but he kept matching the bids. Til someone put down. It was only a $30 pot right now anyway so it didnt matter.

But the next one he was going to let it build a bit. He matched all the bids again, and even raised a couple times. He put down his cards on his last turn and to everyone's surprise he took the $200 that accumulated.  He reached over the table and wrapped his lower arms around the pile of cash in the middle.

He chuckled like he was surprised he won.  "Oh, would ya look at that."

The next few hands he'd fold so he wouldn't lose money. Then would bet a couple times before folding so he only lost a little bit. An hour of this and Angeldust accumulated nearly $5,000.

Husk was impressed. The best part was nobody caught on. Another hour went by and Angel doubled his money.

One of the guys at the table tried to grab his thigh but Angel slapped the demon's hand before it even touched him. He sat up straight and adjusted his chest floof.

"Oh, you can look but, you can't touch, baabyy." He said in his pornstar voice.

"If'n'ya want a bullet where ya heart should be?" He said with a dark smirk in his mob voice, before he won another game.

A few people stood from the table and left the game after another twenty minutes. Husk chuckled once the last people left.

"I gotta say Webs, I didn't expect that." Husk admitted.

Angeldust raised his eyebrow.

"You've been calling me Webs a lot, lately." He mentioned.

Husk sighed.

"Cause I'm not calling you a name, that jackass gave you." Husk stated.

Angel tilted his head down, then his eyes looked up into Husk's who was now standing, as he walked over to Angeldust.

"Husky. It ain't that seri-" Angel attempted to assure.

Husk interrupted him.

"It is that serious to me, Ant." Husk didn't catch himself.

Angeldust's eyes went wide as he blushed. Husk's eyes also went wide he covered his mouth.

"Ant?!" He laughed hysterically. "You're kiddin me right?!"

Husk was dumbfounded with Himself.

Angeldust was giggling. "Dat was so fuckin cute."

Husk made annoyed cat sounds while rolling is eyes. He was so embarrassed.

"I'm never saying it again." He stated in a low tone as he crossed his arms.


The two eneded up leaving the casino.  The got in Husk's car, Angel reached into his purse and pulled out a CD, putting in the CD player of his car.

Husk glanced at him with an eyebrow raised.

Angel licked his teeth before speaking.

"I love you Husky but, you're worse than Al and his showtunes!"

Husk rolled his eyes but, didn't argue. The sang along to whatever was play as they drove off to the hotel. Husk parked his car in front of the building, when they got there.

They walked through the lobby and into the elevator, into Angel's room. Cherribomb had texted him a while ago that she had Fat Nuggets in her room and she was going to bed. Husk shut the door behind them and sat on Angel's bed.

Angel sat at his vanity and took off his jewelery and took all his winnings out of his chest floof, he took off his makeup and stood he pushed in his chair.

"Hey Husky, could you unzip my dress?" He asked turning his head to face the cat demon.

Husk nodded and got off the spider's bed and walked over to him. Husk took his glasses out of his shirt pocket and put them on fumbling with the small piece of metal for a small moment before he was able to unzip the dress.  He walked back over to the bed and sat down.

"Thanks Scnookums." He smiled. As he stepped out of the dress. And sat on his bed scrolling through his phone

Husk didn't mean to stare, he immediately looked away as his face heated up. He loosened his bowtie. Angel turned to face him. The spider just giggled.

"Like what ya see Whiskers?"  He asked, wearing a sneaky little smirk.

Husk rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He couldn't speak, he just nodded.

Angel moved so he was sitting more on his bed and turned to his boyfriend. His fingers walked up Husk's hand and wrists before he placed one finger under Husk's chin, gently pulling him forward their lips meeting..........

'And then they fucked and it was awesome' 😎 👍🏻

"Well, dat's not what I expected ta happen t'day." Angeldust chuckled.

He raked through his hair with his fingers awkwardly.

Husk nodded.


The two laughed together.

Angel's turned on his side looking at Husk which his face resting on two of his hands. He admired him.

"Ti amo Rauco." The spider spoke

"I love you t-" Husk thought about it for a minute. He chuckled. "Did you just call me Husky in Italian?!"

Angeldust giggled and shook his head quickly and cutely. "Mhm!"

Husk shook his head and gently hit the spider with a fluffy pink pillow. "Go to bed loser, you got work tomorrow."

Angeldust groaned and tried to hit Husk back with the same pillow but, the cat demon caught it. He wrapped an arm around Angeldust and kissed his forehead instead. The spider wrapped his arms around Husk and even they fell asleep.

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