Seventy Four

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Several years Later.

Husk was at his Casino. Anthony stayed at the apartment cause he was a little depressed, he still didn't get the answers, he was desperate for. Usually Husk wouldn't let him be alone when he's like this but, that's what Anthony wanted and the drunk cat demon did not want to argue.  He was laying in their bed petting Fat Nuggets, and telling the pig how cute he was. When, there was a knock on the door which, was odd. They didn't get visitors, and it was far to early for Husk to be off work. Anthony raised an eyebrow.

"Stay here Nuggets." He instructed the pig who was a very good listener. Anthony got off the bed walked out of the bedroom, down the hallway and through the living room to the door. Unfortunately there was no peep hole, or he would have at least looked to see who it was. He opened the door.

Two slightly shorter figures stood outside the door. Their faces were covered by masks.

"Hello?" The spider was confused. He watched as one of the figures raised a bat his eyes went wide. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. The spider thought. He slammed the door and locked it. He ran through the apartment grabbed anything he could, defend himself with. He grabbed a meat cleaver from the kitchen. The two demons outside, pounded on the door. From the dents in the door, apparently they used the bat.   The shorter of the two demon's then kicked the broken door down. Fat Nuggets was squealing from the bedroom, just wanting to know what was going on. As nervous as he was the pig was, Fat Nuggets would not leave the room. He was told not to.

"Who fuckin sent you!? If you're here because of Valentino, our deal is off so you can crawl back from whatever slum you ca- YIPE!" He gasped as the taller of the two demons threw a knife at him. Luckily he ducked under the counter and it missed.

What the fuck is going on? Anthony wondered.

Anthony put up a hell of a fight. He threw not only the cleaver at one of the demon's back but, the entire set of kitchen knives. He didn't miss a shot. He told Husk they should have bought Angelic ones just in case.

This is exactly why we need Angelic everyday objects! I could kill these assholes with fuckin safety scissors if I wanted to! He groaned at his thought.

He ran out from under the counter but, the shorter demon picked him up by the back of his neck. It gave him flashbacks backs of how Valentino would treat him and he froze. Had he not have, responded that way he could have taken out his guns and this, would have ended here but, he was frozen in fear. The demon that carried a bat, hit Anthony over the head with it knocking him unconscious.

Everything went quiet. Fat Nuggets didn't leave the room but, he got off the bed. He walked to the doorway and looked around for his owner. When he didn't immediately see him he squealed frantically and ran all over the small apartment trying to find Anthony. The small pig made his way out of the apartment. He was not very good with stairs but, he quickly waddled down them only tumbling down a little bit, towards the bottom of them.

He was fine. He wandered down to the front of Husk's Casino. Someone was walking in so he squeezed past as they opened the door. He ran through the casino straight to the Cat Demon's office. The entire time he was squealing in distress.

He kicked at the door and confused squealing and snorting. The sound alerted Husk immediately. He took the last swig from his bottle of booze.

"Tony?" He wondered. There's no way, Fat Nuggets would be here by himself, his legs were too short for stairs.

He didn't get an answer that, wasn't pig squeals so he put his hands on the edge of the desk and pushed the wheely chair back from it, and stood up. Husk walked to the door of his office and opened it. He gasped when Fat Nuggets ran into the room ALONE.

"How the hell did you get down here, without Tony?" He wondered.  He also wondered how tony hadn't noticed He disappeared.

The Small pig gently bit Husk's tail in attempt to drag him out of the office. Husk simply picked him up. He called the other manager, telling him he was just bringing the pet back to his apartment, that he should be right back.

Husk and the pig left the casino and turned down the alley and walked up the stairs on the side of the building. Husk's eyes went wide and he gasped. Where the fuck is the door?! He wondered.

He walked into the apartment and got his answer. The apartment was a mess and there were twelve different knives scattered everywhere all of them had blood on them.

"Anthony?" Husk called.

He didn't get a response. The drunk cat frantically looked around the apartment for the spider.

"TONY?!" He yelled.

Fat Nuggets was squealing. He was terrified from all the odd noises he herd, and now one of his parents was missing.

Husk didn't know what to do, he couldn't leave Fat Nuggets here, with the busted door. What if whoever did this came back? He couldn't take the pig with him he didn't know where the fuck to look.

He was panicked and razzled
He sat on the couch trying to collect his thoughts. He was certain even if Valentino had come back to hell after the events of that night, he wouldn't come after Anthony. The off thing was Anthony was more than capable of defending himself.

He gasped at the thought he had. He grabbed the pig and left the apartment. Fat Nuggets didn't like nights but, the cat demon wasn't wasting time so he covered the pig's eyes as he flew over Pentagram City. He knew for a fact Charlie couldn't say no to watching the pig while he figures out who to his boyfriend and where. He decided the first place he was going was that douchbag Anthony has the displeasure of calling a father's casino.

He was flying quickly. He knew Fat Nuggets would get antsy soon so, he did his best to make the flight as short as possible. It only took ten minutes anyway. He landed just outside the doors of the hotel and petted Fat Nuggets assuring him he was okay. The drunken cat demon walked into the Hotel he was out of breath nor from flying but, from the adrenaline he was feeling.

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