Forty Four

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The next day was real shit for the spider.

He got home really late last night because he had news that pissed Valentino off and he reacted by making him flim all night again.

"Hey I'm probably going to be late tomorrow, I got a mandatory drug test."

Valentino made that stupid face he made when he was pissed off.

"Why do you say these things so last minute?! I have nobody to fill in for you!" He yelled before smacking him across the face.

Angeldust didn't argue, as much as he wanted to be knew better Valentino lifted the spider into the air and threw him against the wall. The spider winced and groaned in pain trying to get away from the moth for even a second but he was too quick.

Of course everyone was in the lobby waiting for him when he did get home. Even Vaggie, as the Hotel ambassador she wanted to make sure everyone was accounted for. He put on quite the performance that only Charlie believed.

Husk Cherri, Leith, and Niffty never left his side last night.

Husk was serving guests while Angel was at his appointment, he left his phone with Husk because the moth was blowing up his phone and he didn't want to deal with it in front of Charlie. It took Husk a minute but he put Angel's phone on do not disturb, no wonder why Angel didn't want to take his phone, the asshole doesn't stop.

Charlie had the limo drop Angel off at work, before taking her back to the hotel.  Though she wasn't there long because she had more training with her Father and Mother.

Leith and Cherribomb went out so Alastor gave Husk the rest of the day off since the only guest left was Claire and she rarely drank. Husk went into Angel's room to check on Fat Nuggets, he took him for a short little walk on his leash and then brought the pig to his room.


Angeldust got home at his usual time, surprised that Alastor was at the bar. He normally didn't take drinks from him but he was desperate after the shitty day he had. He sat at the bar.

"Strongest ya got Al." Angel asked.

Alastor nodded and poured him a drink, he downed it quickly. Alastor poured him another he downed that too before going up to his room. He was taken back by Fat Nuggets not being in the room but he tried not to worry. He grabbed the rest of the blunt he didn't finish and smoked until it got down to where he'd barely be able to hold it without burning himself. He snuffed it out in an ashtray.

He quickly took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes, the he left his room shutting and locking his door and walked down to Husk's room. 

He knocked on the door. He could hear Fat Nuggets happy squeals.

"Who is it Nuggets?! Is it Angel?!"

Husk chuckled as he got off the bed watching how excited the small pig was.

Nuggets wiggled around on the bed impatiently waiting for Angel to walk through the door.

Husk opened the door and Angeldust immediately extended his arms and lifted his pet into his arms happily.

"I missed you too buddy." He said before kissing the pig on the top of his head.

Husk face fell when his eyes met Angel's.

"What the fuck happened?"

Angel groaned."For the second time."

He handed his pig to Husk.

"It's not what, it's who. The answer is everyone again." He handed his pig to Husk and plopped stomach first on Husk's bed.

Husk sighed and walked around to the opposite side of the bed he was on and sat next to Angel.

"I'm sorry baby." He said soothingly.

Angel turned his head and gave Husk the side eye.

"Why the fuck are you apologizing?" He wondered.

Husk tilted his head.

"You said everyone. So I-"

The spider took a deep breath and sighed heavily before, facepalming.

"Everyone at work genius."

Husk's face fell again.

"oh." His eyes went wide. "Ohh."

He looked down at Angel with a sympathetic face. He blinked the tears away cause he knew that wouldn't help.

"You okay?" He asked.

"My back fuckin hurts." Angeldust admitted.

"I can help with that, if ya want?" Husk offered.

The spider nodded. "Please."

Husk began gently kneading Angel's back, causing the spider to giggle.
It did help his back pain surprisingly well. After a about ten minutes, he sat back where he was sitting.

"Better?" He wondered.

"Much betta." Angeldust stated.

Angel hated his mood right now, he takes the hard drugs because it gets him out of his head and he didn't have to think about anything he didn't want to. But marijuana is a downer and while he doesn't feel depressed, he definitely didn't feel alright and it surely wasn't helping.

Angel sat up and turned his body so he was facing Husk, he had a wide grin on his face.

"What?" Husk wondered tilting his head as his eyebrow furrowed.

Angel grabbed his face with two hands and pulled Husk towards him as he leaned in, kissing the cat demon softly. Husk wrapped his arms around Angel as he kissed back. Angel bit Husk's lip, before the kiss deepened and their tongues fought for dominance.

The spider pulled Husk on top of him as he laid back on the bed. Husk broke the kiss.

"Webs, what the hell?" Husk asked in surprise.

The spider just shrugged and chuckled. Husk just laid on top of him his arms loosely at Angel's sides resting on the bed.

Angel placed Husk's hat on his head, his lower arms ran through the fur on his back. The cat's tail wiggled contently. One of the spider's arms wrapped around Husk's shoulder and the other stroked the cats chin. Angel's gaze left Husk's as his eyes shifted to the bartender's lips, Husk placed two fingers under Angel's chin causing the spider to look back into his eyes. The two leaned closer, their eyes shut and they kissed again.

"Ti amo, bello"  Angel said in his mother tongue. Husk looked at him confused.

Angeldust chuckled and shook his head.

"I love you, handsome." He translated.

Husk facepalmed.

"Ti amo, bella?" He said like a question.

Angel blushed. "You think I'm beautiful?!" He gasped covering his face.

Husk rolled his eyes.

"Don't play stupid, you know you are."

Husk and Angeldust yawned at the same time. The. Chuckled. They eventually fell asleep.


Fun fact I just learned today
Some types of spiders fuckin purr guys!

Also I am arachnophobic and yet some how Angeldust is my favorite character.

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