Sixty eight

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Anthony grumbled awake much later than Husk. The cat demon cooked a delicious breakfast of buttered toast and sunny side eggs.

Anthony groaned he fumbled around for the underwear he wore last night since he hadn't unpacked anything yet. He stole a shirt from Husk's drawer and waked out of the bedroom rubbing his face and yawning.

"Morning handsome." Greeted the cat demon who had just turned off the stove after finishing the eggs.

"Mmgdb morning." The spider grumbled groggily.

"Sleep okay?" Husk's asked.

The spider nodded.

"Your bed's a lot more comfortable den the hotel's." The spider stated.

Husk chuckled as he poured himself a cup of coffee in his 'fuck Monday's' mug.

"Tony you fell asleep on top of me." He rolled his eyes before taking a sip of coffee. "Com'on and eat before it gets cold."

Anthony's eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't usually ea-"

Husk's ears lowered and he scowled.

"I just cooked four eggs, four pieces of bread and brewed coffee, at." He looked at his watched. "nine thirty in the morning, when I've been up since seven. Just so I can eat with you and you're tellin me you're not gonna eat?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Angel's face stiffened as he frowned.

"Fine Husky." He sat on the counter and took a bite of the eggs.

"Thanks Amore mio." Said the spider again.

Husk sighed. Angel knew he hated when he sat on counters.

"Angel people eat on that!" He groaned. Regardless he handed his boyfriend a cup of joe.

The spider chuckled. He took a bite into his toast and washed it down with the coffee.

"Who else you bring 'ere 'sides me?" He asked.

Husk looked at him annoyed, he crossed his arms. his hand was healed up much better no more bandages but the wounds weren't fully closed up just yet. He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry that I don't wanna eat off the same surface that touched your ass!" He groaned.

The spider turned half way to face the cat demon as he protested.

"Husky, I'm all the way over here! It ain't that serious. Gonna 'afta used to me baby, you stuck with me full time now." He chuckled.

Husk groaned. He knew he wasn't gonna win the argument so, he sighed and took another bite of his food and sipped his coffee.

"You're lucky you're adorable."

"And you're lucky you're fluffy."

Husk gasped.

"You only like me cause I'm a cat?!" He gasped. "Wow! You hear this shit Nuggets?!" He said sarcastically.

The spider rolled his eyes.  He leaned over but was careful not to let his hair fall back, not wanting to get hair in Husk's breakfast.

He looked at the cat demon, with his head upside down and his lips puckered. The cat demon swallowed the food in his mouth and kissed the spider's lips softly. Then they returned to eating.

Husk finished eating and sipped his coffee again.

"You really think your family is behind this?" Husk wondered.

Anthony simply nodded before he took another bite.

"Wouldn't put it past my old man after what we did, especially if he knows I've been looking for my sister."  He explained.

Husk nodded.

"We'll figure it out, babe. You'll see your sister again and we'll know what happened to Cherribomb."

Anthony chuckled.

"If she's where I'm starting to think she is, I better fuckin not see her again." He grunted.

Husk raised an eyebrow.

"You really don't want to go to Heaven?"

Anthony crossed all four arms. "They think their so righteous, but tell me how many of them had a life like mine. I didn't ask for that. I did what I had to do, and I still ended up here. If they really gave a fuck, I wouldn't have been my father's fuckin son. Fuck the drugs! My first sin was murder. The drugs were how I forgot all that shit." He explained. "Why would I wanna go up there when those winged bastards think my fuckin life is a joke?" Hi voice was serious and his eyes turned purple. Husk was taken aback cause she's only seen Anthony's eyes go purple when he was pissed.

Anthony immediately calmed down not meaning to scare his boyfriend. This was another reason he got high. It suppressed his range. Before he got his soul back he had so much rage inside him, if he didn't want to snap on a certain over enthusiastic blonde princess he needed to be high at least a little bit. If he wanted to get through a day of work without getting himself in trouble for back talking the moth, he needed to be so fucked up, nothing felt real. It wasn't a good way to live but he's been do this shit for as long as he could remember.

Husk's ears lowered he placed a hands on the spider's shoulder. He didn't say anything but, he understood. It would like walking into a room while people were talking about you, and everyone falls silent.

"That's alright. I'd much rather be stuck down here with you, anyways." He mentioned.

Anthony rolled his eyes and shoved the cat demon playfully. "Cheesey." He laughed.

After breakfast Anthony unpacked his clothes. Husk let him take over his closet because he had far more clothes than Husk did. They laid in bed the rest of the day, Husk only left the room twice to get a bottle of Booze. The remainder of the time he laid on top of the spider who petted him softly as he purred.

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