Are You Seducing Me?

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It was one of those nights when La Grande Dame preferred sitting in a bar drinking and chatting with his friends. He was on his fifth glass of Viognier when a certain bronze-skinned pixie was called to the stage.

Tilting his head to the side, Yannick observes the tiny Filipina goddess.

"aAccueillons Marina Summers sur scene" (let's welcome Marina Summers to the stage!) he heard the hostess announce into the microphone.

RuPaul's Call Me Mother then began to play from the speakers.

Marina looked extra tiny in her frilly teal frou frou which she promptly dropped to reveal a white feathered onesie earning a silent wow from Yannick. She was the epitome of bundled energy and had confidence oozing from every pore of her being as she lip-synced to the music.

As a performer himself, Yannick admitted to himself that Marina Summers is one of the greatest performers that he had ever seen. He sat there transfixed not hearing the noise around him his mouth slightly open. He had stopped paying attention to his friends' conversation since Marina appeared on stage.

Marina caught his eye and she threw a wink at him as she lounged on the floor. They have reached the sexy sultry bridge now.

He doesn't know if it's the alcohol but he's starting to feel hot under the collar as Marina made love to the floor. "Oh, what I'd give to be that floor so Marina can gyrate onto me instead." He thought.

As the music ended, he watched as Marina approached him with that sultry look in her eyes. Her heels clicked against the floor. Yannick swallowed as he felt a drop of sweat run from his temple down to his neck. Marina straddled him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she playfully seduced him as part of her act. His long slender hands wrapped around her tiny waist keeping her balanced. She breathed into his ear and Yannick fought to keep his hands right where they were. She stood up abruptly and began sashaying seductively towards the other patrons.

Yannick felt instantly cold and immediately missed the warmth of the tiny minx that previously occupied his lap. "Oh she'll get it once we get home," he thought smugly clenching his fists inside his pockets. 

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