A Blurb!

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This is not part of the main story, Envie de Toit. I will be inserting short blurbs of #Lagrandedame and #marinasummers now and then when I have thoughts or ideas for a cute mini-story that would not be possible to include in the main story.


New York

Marina and Prince were strolling around the neighborhood just looking around. She had a free day so they have allotted today for sightseeing and shopping. She was also thinking of things to buy as pasalubong for her friends and family back home. 

"Kain tayo?" Prince asked. "May pizza parlor dun oh."

Marina's eyes followed where he was pointing and saw a huge neon sign with the outline of a pizza. 

Marina smiled to herself remembering LGD and her infamous pizza pants.

Without another word, the two friends went to the pizza parlor and had an early lunch.

Later that day.

Marina was video chatting with Eva Le Queen. They are both excited for Marina's homecoming show. The subject of La Grande Dame suddenly came up when Eva Le Queen remembered she would be going live on Instagram tomorrow. This is one of the most requested topics from her viewers. 

"Hoy shunga! Nag kukumustahan pa ba kayo ni Dada?" she half screamed to her phone.

Marina rolled her eyes. "Minsan lang beh. We are both busy," she said imitating Mimiyuuh's face from her dalagang Filipina video. 

"Showbiz!" Eva laughed at her. 

"Ay beh, favor please!" 

"Ano yun?"

"May isesend ako sa'yo sa messenger, paki order na lang please."

"Ano yan, dildo?" Eva howled with laughter. "For sure, mas maraming dildo dyan, dyan ka na bumili!"

"Gagi! Hinde!" Marina shouted also laughing. "Basta isend ko sa'yo mamaya pagkatapos nang call."

The two friends chatted some more before Eva had to go to sleep. Before she could close her eyes, her phone dinged with a notification from Marina. She opened it and started laughing rolling in her bed.

"Gagi!" Eva screamed still laughing. She reacted to Marina's message with the crying laughing emoji before she went to sleep.

Several days later in Paris, France.

La Grande Dame was having lunch with Kam. 

"You should buy her something from Paris," Kam said digging into her salad.

"The problem is I haven't decided what to buy yet," Dada said sipping her cocktail.

They have broached the subject of Marina when the topic of their upcoming reunion came up in a conversation with Paloma earlier that morning. LGD is excited to see her again. 

Kam knew her bestest friend and former roomie had the hots for Marina as soon as she saw the video of Dada's face during Marina's performance. It was a facial expression she had never seen before on Dada.

"Perfume, bag, macarons, chocolates, a beret, a wig..." Kam enumerated sipping on her cocktail as well. 

"I want to buy her something really special, something that will really remind her of me."

"Ask Kevin if he can pull out something from his archives for her then," Kam suggested.

Dada shook her head. An IG notification popped up on her screen. Marina tagged her in a story.

"Bitch." Dada grinned

"What?" Kam inquired raising her eyebrow.

Dada showed her Marina's story that she tagged LGD in.

Kam almost choked when he saw what it was.

"You don't need to buy her anything at all, that would be difficult to top" Kam exclaimed wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Dada smiled at the photo of the pair of underpants that Marina had custom-ordered. It was blue and had pizza slices on it but it also had her face on it.

"See you soon mon amour," he thought to himself.

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