Marina's Revenge Part 1

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They got to the apartment in no time.

Marina got out of her jacket and proceeded to hang them in the coat closet by the door. Yannick went and turned on all the lights inside his modestly sized but tastefully decorated apartment. It reflected his eclectic taste in art which was apparent in his furnishings and home décor. It was modern and a bit on the minimalist side but still had that homey touch to it.

"What do you want for dinner Mon Amour?" Yannick asked peering inside his refrigerator.

"We have some leftovers from the Chicken Adobo I cooked this morning, you can reheat that," Marina replied as she entered the kitchen.

Yannick shrugged and took the container out of the fridge before setting it on the counter to defrost a bit so he could heat it in the microwave.

Marina sat on the bar stool as she scrolled on her phone. Eva La Queen was texting her earlier and Marina took the time to reply to her chats. Yannick had already placed the container of adobo inside the microwave and began to set the table for dinner. They both took turns doing the household chores. Earlier this morning Marina had done them and now it's his turn. He found the routine homey and domesticated. A bit foreign since he was used to being alone, but he loved every second of her being around his house. The loneliness had been replaced by contentment. He used to stay out late with his friends but now he is eager to get home when Marina is not out with him and he knows she is waiting for him.

It has already been a year since the little bronze goddess came to stay with him in France. At first, she meant to visit France just for a vacation. These visits soon became so frequent that Yannick just asked her to stay. She did and she has been happy ever since. She missed her friends and her family but she knew Yannick couldn't afford to relocate to the Philippines just yet. Not now that his music career is already starting to take off. He had already dropped drag quite a bit as he is turning up to events as Yannick to promote his music. He still shows up as La Grande Dame to events, especially to fashion shows but he also loves being able to promote his talent as Yannick.

The microwave dinged, signaling that the food was ready to serve.

"Come, let's eat." He announced.

Marina hopped down from the bar stool and sat at the dining table.

She served him first before helping herself to some rice and adobo. It's funny how Yannick got used to eating Filipino food so fast within the first few months of their living together. She initially thought he would be so picky with him being French and all but he took it in stride as if it's the most natural thing.

He admitted though that the flavors were stronger than what he was used to but tasted so good when eaten with rice. Marina took that as a win and she in turn began to get used to eating meals with no rice involved.

The two engaged in small talk over dinner.

"After dinner, I'll be in my office to work on some music. I have this melody inside my head that has been stuck and I want to work on it and see where it goes." He shared.

"Okay but try not to stay up too late like the last time. You have that interview thingy tomorrow morning." Marina reminded him.

"I promise I won't Mon Chou," Yannick said flirting with her with his eyes. He knew Marina loved it when he pierced her with his intense eyes.

Marina pretended to gag and rolled her eyes at him. She still hasn't forgotten his teasing from earlier.

Marina thanked him for dinner and began to clear away their dishes while Yannick went to his office to start working.

She washed all the dishes and towel-dried them before going inside their bedroom to get ready for bed.

She took a quick shower to get rid of all the glitters she had applied for her performance tonight. She smiled as she finalized her plan as to how she'd be able to get revenge on her Dada. She chose her skimpiest black lace teddy. The one she knew he loved so much. She quickly applied some light makeup making sure to use his favorite Mac red lipstick.

His office had a window overlooking the living area and the kitchen/dining area. Marina feigned going out of the bedroom to get a glass of water. As she passed by the window, the hairs on her nape stood up.

Marina grinned to herself. "Gotcha!" she thought. She slowly made her way to the refrigerator making sure to sway her hips even more. She opened the fridge and chose the bottled water that was at the bottommost shelf so she can bend down showing off her toned ass.

"What pray tell, are you doing Mon Amour?" a deep and husky voice drawled from behind her.

She was startled. He really has to stop sneaking up like that. Screw those fluffy slip-ons that he loved wearing around the house so much!

"Uhmmm, getting a drink of water? Why? What does it look like?" Marina turned to him as she sipped from her bottle.

"We both know you're not just getting water."

Marina furrowed her brows.

"Oh? But I am."

"Dressed like that?" Yannick asked incredulously.

"These are my most comfortable PJs."

Yannick closed the refrigerator door behind Marina trapping her.

She looked up at him coyly setting the water bottle down on the counter beside the fridge. He looked down at her intensely, carefully studying her face. "God she's so beautiful." he thought to himself. He wrapped his arms around her waist and began to nibble at her earlobes. Marina sighed and began to snake her hands from his stomach to his back. She raked her fingernails lightly at his back and offered her lips to him to nibble at instead.

Without breaking apart, she began lifting his shirt and he raised his arms so she could take them off completely. Their lips mashed as their tongues danced like fire. Yannick grunted as Marina began to squeeze his ass tightly grinding her heat onto his leg. He almost buckled to his knees right then and there. Every touch was like liquid lava on his skin. Marina was just too hot for her own good. He could feel his desire for her almost drowning him, begging for release. Marina was mewling begging to be ravished.

Marina suddenly stopped, her hand on his heaving chest. Yannick was still bent down with his eyes closed as he struggled to catch his breath.

Everything had gotten quite cold all of a sudden.

"Good night, Mon Amour." Marina pecked his cheek standing on the tip of her toes.

Yannick suddenly opened his eyes and slowly turned his head towards Marina who was already sashaying away from him to their bedroom.

He was gobsmacked. No way is he letting her get away with that.

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