Au Revoir

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The next morning, Yannick sensed that something was up with Marina.

She had that sad look in her eyes and he caught her looking at him almost wistfully. He wanted to ask her what was up but with how their conversation went yesterday, he decided to give her space until she was ready to talk to him.

Marina had attempted several times to bring up the topic of her moving back to the Philippines temporarily. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay for "just a week or two". Not with the amount of people she'd have to see and the things she had to accomplish. But every time she caught Dada's eye, all her resolve melted and made her hesitant to tell him of her plans. She wanted this but at the same time she did not want to leave him behind. She knew it would hurt him. She knew he wouldn't take it well. She knew he'd convince her to stay or to be back after just a week. 

The week went by in a blur and she still hasn't told him yet. She was just taking time to muster up the courage to tell him. She kept herself busy with performing. Whenever she would go home from the King Lounge, Bertha and either one of the girls or one of the bartenders would make sure to get her into a cab taking note of the plate number and taking a picture discreetly of the cab driver before texting Dada that she was on her way home. This practice left no opening for any attempted attack on any of the girls ever happening again.

That night, Marina received another message from her mama asking if she had bought her plane tickets yet. The pressure is on. She needed to tell him now before she could purchase the tickets because if she didn't purchase them now, they would be very expensive.

She looked up from where she was sitting. Dada was on his phone watching reels. It's now or never, she decided. She stilled her pounding heart.

"Dada," she said prompting the French frog to look up from his phone.

"Oui Mon Amour?" he enquired. He could see the gears working double time in her head. She's finally ready to tell him what has been bothering her. He recalled wanting to ask her what it was that she needed to tell him so they could get over it but he resisted the urge, respecting Marina's space. 

"I need to tell you something and I want you to know that this has been a very hard decision for me to make, but taking into consideration everything that has happened. I decided I was going to take action for the better good." she paused to take a deep breath.

"Why does it feel like you're just about to inform me that you have my lipstick?"

He kidded lightly making Marina smile wryly.

Marina stood up to settle on his lap. She held his face in his hands gazing at him with love. She memorized all the lines on his face, all the crevices, all the slopes, and all the points.

After 5 years of having known him, she still found him utterly attractive.

Yannick held her hands to his face gazing back at her. His heart sank looking at the sad expression on her face. Is she breaking up with him? He thought. That can't be it. We're okay. We're fine. She's sad though.

"Dada, will you be okay if I visit home for a while?"

Her words gave him a sense of relief. Thank God it's just that.

"What made you decide to go home all of a sudden?" he asked curiously.

"I did not like what was happening to me Dada," Marina admitted sadly. "I was having frequent nightmares. I was tired all the time because I was losing sleep over it. I see his face everywhere. I see him in the streets, inside of stores, even at the bars. I hate how it's affecting even the things that I loved doing the most." Marina recounted a time when she thought she saw the attacker inside the bar during one of her performances. It made her forget some of the choreography, but being the professional that she was, she was able to improvise on the spot. After her set, she realized it was just one of the drag queens wearing a stocking cap. 

"I don't want you to get affected by my problems. These are demons that I should face alone so I can make myself whole again for you. I know you have all those events coming up and I'm afraid of holding you back because of my personal issues. Let me face this and I'll be back to you in no time." Marina pleaded. "Besides, I also miss them a lot." She knew Dada would insist on getting his way. He is very protective of her but this is one time she needed him to loosen the reins just a bit.

"I wish you had told me all those things earlier. I was serious when I told you I wanted to be a part of your world. I want not just the good ones but the messy parts as well. I want to know everything that goes on with you." he reprimanded her gently as a father does to a child.

"You know that you'd never be a hindrance to my dreams right? I have my dreams but part of that dream is to be able to celebrate those wins with you because you helped me a lot, I am who I am today because of you." he reminded her as he tucked her hair into her ear.

"But if you feel that going home to your family and friends will help you move on from this traumatic experience then I will support you a hundred percent. If this is what will make you happy." 

Marina bit her lip.

"I'm so lucky to have you Dada." she gushed tearfully.

"How long will you be gone by the way?"

Marina grimaced at him "You see, that's the thing "

Dada cocked an eyebrow questioningly.

"Are we talking about several weeks to months here?" He clarified moving his hands to her hips.

"At least 6 months I guess. To make the trip worthwhile. Eva also has some events lined up that I can work on."

Dada got quiet. Marina chewed on her lip, her fingers playing with his hair on his nape.

"What about us?" he asked playing with the hem of her top.

"We'll still be together. I mean I should hope so. We were on a long-distance relationship before I came here to Paris and it worked well for us didn't it?"

Dada nodded. He recalled those nights when they'd do a video call. He also recalled waking up to several updates from Marina. He also had Eva keep an eye on Marina whenever they'd party until the wee hours of the morning. He did not think they'd be able to last that long going on dates virtually but he was thankful that eventually, Marina decided to take up his offer of her relocating to France to be with him. 

It was such a huge relief for him to see Marina in the flesh when he picked her up from the airport. They had made love and made out quite a lot during the first week upon her arrival in Paris. 

"When are you leaving?" he asked finally.

"I was thinking end of the month."

"So that gives us 2 weeks at the most," Dada said checking the dates on his Apple watch. 

"Well, we'll have to make the most of our remaining time together before you have to leave."

He stood up carrying Marina with him to the bedroom.

"Dada!" Marina squealed feigning a scandalized look on her face as she hit him playfully on the chest.

"I have to do good or you'll forget all about me," he said playfully throwing her on the bed.

Marina placed a dramatic hand on her chest, "I could never!" she exclaimed.

"Just wanted to make sure," he whispered before capturing her mouth in a kiss. 

Later that night

The two lovers lay wrapped around each other totally satiated. Dada had made sure to worship every inch of Marina's body. He was a generous lover, taking care to make sure Marina's needs were met first before his. Marina sighed contentedly a smile lingering on her face. Her sex sent a tingling jolt down to her feet as she recalled how the French frog had made her feel good with his hands, tongue, and dick. Dada definitely brought out the big guns tonight. She sighed happily, snuggling against the now-sleeping Frenchie.

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