Marina's Revenge Part 2

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Marina's revenge? Is it really? Hmmmmm...

Warning: The following story involves a bed scene so skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with that. If you're still here then you're in for a slutty slutty ride. Enjoy and I hope you have a crazy wet dream tonight!

Marina was smiling like the cat that got the canary as she sultrily walked her way to their bedroom.

She was going to slam the door shut but Yannick stopped it with his arm.

"You like playing with fire? Huh Mon Amour?" he hissed as he grabbed Marina by the waist forcefully.

Marina's eyes opened wide in shock for a second but then began to look up at Yannick through her lashes. She loved it when Yannick played a bit rough.

"What can I say? My country has plenty of active volcanoes." She cooed tracing circles on Yannick's arm with her long nails.

Yannick chuckled shakily, "You're playing a dangerous game Mon Chou." He warned still holding her waist.

"How dangerous can you be?" Marina asked coyly flicking an imaginary dust from his chest.

With eyes glinting, he lifted Marina off the floor and hooked her legs around his waist before crushing his lips to hers. He grabbed her face forcefully willing her to see how much he needed her in that moment. Marina returned his kiss with equal vigor as she hooked an arm around his neck, her other hand grabbing his hair.

He groaned as he felt her hand pulling lightly at his hair. He transferred his attention to her neck, licking, sucking, and biting lightly. Marina could only mewl as she felt her lover leave love bites behind. She allowed him access to her sensitive parts exposing her neck to him. She felt herself going weak with wanton desire. She was almost breathless as he made her body feel so good with his mouth.

Yannick's lips dipped into her ear swirling against the lobes and nipping at it playfully while his hand left blazing trails on her leg that was wrapped around him. Marina couldn't take it anymore. She wants him inside of her right now!

"Babe," she whispered.

Yannick didn't hear her. He was too focused on making her weak with desire that she'd beg for him.

"Baby." She repeated, louder this time.

"Oui, Mon Amor?" he inquired not stopping his ministrations on her neck and ear.

"I need you." She cried grabbing his face so she could look into her eyes.

"I know Mon Chou, but I don't hear you begging." He smirked at her drawing her in with his deep-set eyes.

Marina narrowed her eyes at him.

"Say it," he demanded.

"Please baby, I need you in me now." Marina groaned helplessly.

He hummed in approval before throwing her on the bed and crawling over her on all fours. His size engulfed her petite body completely making Marina feel small and vulnerable.

Marina slid back to make room for her lover and they resumed kissing. Yannick slid the straps of her sleep teddy off before kissing her shoulders. His fingers started to snap off the snaps that were holding the garment together.

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