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Warning: Violence.

Hours earlier

Marina has just finished getting out of drag. She waved goodbye to the girls who were still hanging out at the bar and got out of the employee's entrance. She stopped just outside the door as she took in the Parisian stars. It was already 4:20 in the morning and it was still quite dark outside. She slowly made her way out of the Alley and took out her phone to text Yannick that she would be home soon.

Before she could tap send, she felt a searing pain at the back of her head. She dropped to her knees and felt a hand grabbing her hair from behind before being hit again with a bottle she assumed.

She heard her assailant grunting French slurs at her.

She exerted an effort to grab at her assailant. She yelped in pain as the assailant twisted her hand back.

Marina changed tactics and twisted her body so she is now lying on her back. She struggled to see the assailant's face as she tried to hold on to his hands to prevent him from attacking her again. It was too dark and she could only see the outline of his head.

Skinhead, she noted mentally to herself.

The assailant released her hands and reared back only to punch her in the face.

"No more, please. No more." She whispered begging the man to stop.

Marina tried to fend him off but he was just too strong.

He punched her again in the face this time catching her eye. He stood up and uttered some more racial slurs before leaving her alone in the dark alley. Sobbing, she tried to scramble on her knees to locate her phone. She saw it just a few feet away. She braced her arms against the ground and dragged herself to her phone. She ignored the pain that was shooting up from her wrist. She ignored the throbbing pain from her face and head. She ignored the blood that was slowly dripping down her face.

She needed to call Yannick.

Her phone was just within her reach. Just another push, she coached herself.

Her fingers finally reached her phone but her vision was becoming dark. The cold was starting to bite her making her feel even more drowsy with every effort she exerted.

"I need to make that call." She thought already slowly closing her eyes. She was tired and she just wanted to sleep cuddled between the warm sheets and tucked inside Yannick's embrace.

Darkness took her and that was the last thing she remembered.

Several hours later.

She felt like she was floating in a dreamless slumber. She wanted to open her eyes but they were so heavy. She tried lifting her arms but they felt like lead. She couldn't move anything and her mouth felt like cotton. She heard voices but couldn't understand a thing they were saying. She wanted to sleep some more. Like a curtain dropping in front of her eyes, she let sleep take over her once more.

She heard voices again, this time a bit clearer. What language are they speaking? She's sure it's not Filipino. Is someone watching television? She still felt like she was floating. This time in a haze.

She's still hearing voices. "What are they talking about? Are they talking about me?" she mused still straining to hear them more clearly. A certain voice caught her attention. It was deeply familiar. A deep voice that stirred up several emotions in her but she couldn't understand a thing he was saying.

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