À Bientôt

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2 weeks went by like a blur. It went too quickly for the French frog's taste. He wanted to cling on to Marina but he knew she wouldn't be too happy with him if he kept her from going home to her family. Visiting them rather, he corrected his thoughts. He is her home, he thought to himself smugly. He was not worried about Marina going astray, he made sure of that these past few nights. He had skillfully ruined any guy for Marina.

"What are you so smug about?"

Dada was lounging on the bed and Marina had approached him to get some of the things near him. She was in the process of packing her last luggage which she had packed full with pasalubong for everybody at home. The first two she had packed consisted mostly of her clothes. Dada had tut-tutted when he saw Marina almost clearing out her side of the closet save for her cold weather clothes. Marina had rolled her eyes at that and returned some of her things letting him know that she'll be back to him soon.

"Oh, nothing. Just remembering what happened in this bed last night." he drawled fingering a thong she had left behind. "and the night before that, and the other night before that..."he trailed off looking at Marina playfully.

Marina turned scarlet glaring at him before she snatched the thong away from him so she could pack it as well.

"Why are you packing that one?" Dada sat up.

"You want me to leave this behind so you can jack off to it while I'm away?" she offered.

"No need, I have our videos and pictures." he countered smugly as he stood up. The pillow that Marina threw at him barely missed his head as he went out the door chuckling.

He was on the balcony quietly observing the view outside when Marina came out of the bedroom with her luggage. She placed them by the door ready for her flight that afternoon. She went to Dada to embrace him from behind.

"I'll miss you, my love, very very much," she whispered into his shirt.

Dada turned around to comfort her.

"Well, it was you who wanted to leave." he joked

Marina glared up at him and lightly punched him.

"Of course, I'll miss you too Mon Bebe. I'll be counting the days until your return."

"Just come back to me soon okay?" he added quietly stooping down to kiss her.

"I will. I promise." Marina met his lips as she clung to his chest.

Marina started tearing up. She will really miss him.

Dada stopped kissing her when he felt tears falling down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Marina. Just do what you have to do, stay as long as you need and I'll be right here when you are ready." he comforted her, cupping her face gently in his large hands.

"Don't forget to update me as much as possible or I'll fly there and drag you with me back here."

Marina wiped away her tears and smiled slightly. "Maybe I won't update as much then."

Dada flicked her nose lightly.

"Well, I have to get ready because the plane won't wait for me."

Dada nodded.

Later at the airport

It was a bittersweet afternoon for the two lovers as they waited for Marina's flight. The airport was busy but the two were sat in a corner sharing a quiet moment. They were both drinking coffee as they silently observed everyone around them. No one was talking both occupied with their thoughts and no one seemed eager to break the silence. This will be the first time in a long time that they'll be separated after they've become a couple.

Marina wondered if he'd miss her the way she'd already missed him. The thought of leaving him behind was pulling at her from all directions. She also wondered if La Grande Dame is the loyal and faithful type once she's not around to monitor him.

"I think your flight's being called." Dada broke the silence abruptly.

Marina stood up straining to hear the voice in the PA system. She recognized some words but looked at Dada for confirmation as the PA repeated the announcement.

Dada, meeting her eyes nodded and stood up to accompany her to the area just outside where only the ticket bearers can enter. They stood there facing each other quietly. No one said a word. No words were needed. Marina squished the urge to cry by clearing her throat and dusting away an imaginary lint on Dada's coat. 

Dada grabbed her hand that was on his coat and pulled her to him pressing her face to his chest.

"Je t'aime Marina, don't you dare forget that," he whispered fervently. "Promise me you'll come back to me soon."

"I promise Dada," Marina said fighting the urge to cry while clutching his back. She failed miserably.

Dada pulled away to look at her. Her eyes and nose were all red from her tears. His thumbs brushed her tears away before crashing his lips onto hers expressing his feelings through that kiss. He may not be expressive through his words but damn was he expressive through his actions. 

As their lips met, time seemed to stand still. In that fleeting moment, the world melted away, leaving only the beating of their hearts echoing in the silence. The kiss was more than just a meeting of lips; it was a symphony of passion and longing, a culmination of every unspoken desire and whispered promise. 

Dada's touch was urgent yet tender, his hands cradling her face as if trying to etch the memory of her into his soul. Marina responded with equal fervor, her fingers threading through his hair as she drank in the taste of him, committing it to memory.

It was a silent vow, a promise to carry each other in their hearts no matter the distance that lay between them.

As they reluctantly parted, a bittersweet ache lingered in the air, mingling with the taste of their shared passion. For in that electrifying kiss, they had said their goodbyes.

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