A Blurb 2!!

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Again, this is a blurb and is not part of the main story. These are cutesy side stories that I couldn't include in the main one. In that mannerrr, Enjoy!

This is one of my theories for whatever's cooking over at #Larina in June. Even if this doesn't end up happening, it's still okay. In my delusional mind, this happened! Lol.

I'm basing some of the events that will be happening in this story through their IG stories and the fan cams.

Credits to the owner of the video above:

Mark Ryan (https://www.youtube.com/@markryandublado)

La Grande Dame was chilling beside the tour bus driver unable to sleep. He had his laptop out listening to music with his feet on the dashboard. He knew it was a stupid and dangerous position to be in while in the passenger seat, but his sleeping quarters were so cramped that he had to stretch his legs out for a bit before turning in for the night. He and Tia had grumbled when they first saw the sleeping quarters. It was built for the average-sized person so they had to sleep either with their knees bent or their feet sticking out of the curtains. 

Gazing out the window, he observed the dark highway illuminated by the bus' headlights. He had a melody stuck in his mind for quite some time now but hasn't figured out the lyrics to it.

Sighing, he gave up on the idea of creating some music tonight. He closed his laptop, bade the driver goodnight, and turned in for the night.

The next morning, they woke up in Bristol. They had a bit of time for some sightseeing but weren't able to fully enjoy the experience as they had to return to O2 Academy for practice.

Later that night while Marina was performing her number, Dada sat on her heels behind the stage wall observing Marina. She really is quite the performer and the Queens were right in the way they described her, like an energizer bunny or a kid that has gotten into some candy before bedtime, bouncing off the walls. She was transfixed with her agile movements, something she'd never be able to do herself with her lengthy long limbs. 

While watching her, she couldn't help but hum the melody that had been stuck in her head. She was also able to make up lyrics as she sat there watching Marina.

flashing lights, crowded nights

eyes locked across the room

hidden glances, secret touches

tingling me, electrifying

Whispers soft in the air 

Hearts racing, can't control the rush

Unspoken words, forbidden love 

In the shadows, we dance, we blush.

Jealous stares, we play our part.

Masks on, but our hearts entwined. 

Silent yearning, burning desire.

In this game of secrets, we find.


Underneath the moonlit skies

In the silence, our love resides. 

Hidden passion, a flame untamed

In the depths of night, our secret claimed.

French translation

Lumière éclatante, nuits bondées,

Yeux verrouillés à travers la pièce.

Regards cachés, touches secrètes,

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