Chapter 10: Unfortunate

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Yin's POV

I storm towards my parents' mansion, ignoring the security guards' protests and attempts to stop me.

They try to block my path, but I dodge and weave, fueled by frustration and lack of sleep.

"Mr. Yin, you can't just—"

"Watch me!" I snap, bursting through the front door with a dramatic kick for effect.

I find my parents calmly having breakfast together in the dining room.

They look up, startled, as I enter, looking like a disheveled maniac.

"Mom! Dad! I can’t do it! I can’t share that place with War!" I scream, my voice cracking with desperation.

Flashback to Last Night

The nightmare began as soon as the lights went out.

War was already fast asleep, snoring like a freight train.

It was as if a wild animal was trapped inside his throat, fighting to escape.

Yin tried to cover his ears with the pillow, but the noise was relentless.

Then, just when he thought he might get used to the snoring, War started to mumble in his sleep.

At first, it was just incoherent words, but soon it escalated to full-on conversations with imaginary friends.

"No, Jerry, I told you not to eat the unicorn! It's mine!"

Yin sat up, staring at War in disbelief.

Who the heck was Jerry? And what unicorn?

As if that wasn't bad enough, War began to thrash around.

One moment he was lying peacefully, the next he was flailing his arms and legs like he was fighting off a swarm of bees.

Yin narrowly dodged a flying elbow aimed at his face.

"War, wake up!" he hissed, trying to shake War awake.

But War was in deep, dream-induced combat mode, oblivious to Yin's attempts.

Finally, when Yin thought things couldn't get worse, War started to sleepwalk.

He sat up suddenly, eyes wide open but clearly not seeing anything.

He climbed out of bed and started wandering around the tiny apartment, bumping into walls and furniture.

"War, what are you doing?" Yin whispered, afraid to startle him.

"Shh, I'm looking for the treasure," he murmured, patting the walls as if searching for hidden compartments.

Yin spent the entire night chasing after him, guiding him back to bed, only for him to get up and start the cycle all over again.

When War finally stayed in bed, he rolled over onto Yin's side, hogging the blanket and leaving Yin to freeze on the edge of the bed.

End of Flashback

My parents blink at me, trying to process my outburst.

"Yin, calm down," my dad says, setting down his coffee. "What are you talking about?"

"I’m talking about War’s snoring, his sleep-talking, his sleepwalking! I can’t do it! I haven’t slept at all!" I cry, my voice cracking.

My mom raises an eyebrow. "That bad, huh?"

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