Chapter 14: I think he's losing it

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War's POV

I wake up from a nap feeling a little better but still groggy.

The afternoon light is streaming through the windows, and I rub my eyes, trying to shake off the lingering sleepiness.

My stomach growls, reminding me that I haven’t eaten in hours.

I decide to head downstairs, hoping Yin has cooked something—he’s surprisingly good at it when he puts his mind to it.

As I reach the top of the staircase, I spot something unusual through the window.

There’s a flurry of movement outside—cars parked in the driveway, and people heading towards the vehicles.

I squint, trying to make out who it is, and then my heart leaps in excitement.

It’s them! My parents!

And Yin’s parents too!

I haven’t seen them in days, not since I got sick.

I mean, seriously?,

I could’ve been on my deathbed and they didn’t even bother to drop by.

But now that they are here, I'm excited anyways!

I rush down the stairs, feeling a surge of energy despite still being a bit under the weather.

“Mom! Dad! Everyone!” I call out, just as I reach the bottom step.

But before more words can fully leave my mouth, I hear the sound of car doors slamming shut.

I freeze in my tracks, staring in disbelief as every single one of them gets into their cars and drives away.

Just like that?!.

I’m left standing there, scratching my scalp, even though it’s not itchy at all.

Did… did they just leave? Without even saying hi?

I’m still processing what just happened when Yin suddenly appears from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel.

“Why are you up?” he asks, a little too... caring. “How are you feeling?”

“What were our parents doing here?”, I ask.

Yin hesitates, and I immediately know something’s up.

He’s got that suspicious look in his eyes, the one he gets when he’s trying to hide something.

“Uh… they came to visit you. You know, to see how you’re doing.”

I narrow my eyes at him.

“If they came to visit me, why didn’t they stick around? They drove off just as I was about to greet them.”

Yin clears his throat and looks anywhere but at me.

“Well… they didn’t want to wake you up. Thought you needed your rest.”

That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard some pretty bad ones.

Before I can call him out on it, he suddenly switches gears like he’s on a mission.

“You should go back to bed, War. You need to heal properly.”

He starts practically herding me back toward the stairs, like I’m some kind of invalid who can’t be trusted to walk on my own.

“Come on, let’s get you back under the covers. I'll bring you something to eat now okay, the parents are really worried about you so you should heal quickly. ”

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