48| Situationship

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A/N: Hello everyone! How are we doing? Can you believe it, it's less than a week to Eid! I am so excited to be celebrating, since I have my twin sister, her husband & my darling niece, Aiene visiting us this year! My kids are super stoked to have their cousin visiting and it's such a happy hustle around the house that I had almost forgotten about this update, until my sister asked me yesterday, about how my writing is going! I guess you all should thank my sister Aisha for this week's timely update! :)

Now coming to the story, I promise you a super fun & light read, amidst a lot of emotionally intensive chapters. This chapter in many ways, is a current reflection of the giddy happiness that I feel for getting to celebrate this Eid with my sibling! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did while writing & requesting you to remember putting in-line comments! I love those spontaneous thoughts of yours, the most!

On that note, Happy Reading! See you on the other side!


"Happy birthday, Alia!" Nandini wished her with a bright big smile, before she pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Alia beamed in happiness and hugged her back.

"Aren't you guys missing someone here?" came a jealous voice, and both girls turned around to see Aryamann Khanna rolling his eyes.

"Should we take him in the hug?" Nandini asked Alia, winking at her, and Alia pretended to think for a moment before nodding and saying, "It's my birthday, and I am kind that way. I am willing to forgive the late comer". Nandini giggled, looking at Aryamann who sighed and joined the two for a tight group hug, muttering, "I am the host, running errands to make madam's birthday bash perfect, and she thinks I'm a latecomer!"

"Okaaaay, this hug is getting very touchy-feely now, maybe I should exit and let you two carry on!" Nandini teased them and pulled out, as the other two giggled, and stayed in the embrace. Nandini looked at them, and smiled. Momentarily, she wished she had someone like Alia had Aryamann - no sooner she thought of that, her mind conjured up an image of her hugging Manik like that. She mentally chidded herself. No, her and Manik would never be emotionally intimate that way!

"Babe, you're staring! Give the couple some privacy.." Zain's voice reached her ear, as she quickly turned back to see him behind her.

"When did you arrive? I thought you're going to be late?" Nandini asked, raising her eyebrows, and moving away from the couple.

"Yes, figured, once I am on set, it might get difficult to keep track of time, so I thought of coming here first, wishing Alia, having a few drinks and leaving for the shoot at one go." Zain replied, as he held the small of her back and walked towards the bar. Nandini nodded.

"One gin and tonic for me, and mojito for the lady." Zain ordered, and turned to Nandini, but she made a pout. She didn't feel like having a cocktail tonight! It was Alia's birthday and shortly, the craziness would begin, and she wanted to get drunk and let loose tonight.

"What?" Zain asked, looking at her.

Nandini just turned to the bartender and said, "Please make that two gin & tonic and cancel the mojito". The bartender nodded as she turned to a surprised looking Zain.

"You are in the mood to get drunk?" Zain asked.

"Well, it's one of my closest friends' birthdays. I get a free pass today!" Nandini replied, smirking and Zain smiled at that.

"Just be careful. I won't be around and neither is Ranbir here tonight, just stay sober enough to reach till the car when you want to hit home. I am leaving my driver here." Zain suggested, as they were served with their drinks and he saw Nandini take a generous swig.

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