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now at cecconi's with kendall, charlize and daphne.

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"YOU HOOKED UP WITH JACOB ELORDI??" charlize practically yelled from across the table.

"jesus charlize will you shut up?" i scolded her jokingly as i looked around to see if anyone heard her.

"i'm sorry, i'm just so shocked and yet proud...like how does that even happen?" charlize was completely flustered and excited for me.

"well i was at my mom's set to surprise her and she's directing this new romcom and jacob is in it...and we met like that. and i guess we hit it off? then that night we went on a date and one thing led to the next..." i shrugged as i sipped my wine.

"i need details." charlize said as she shook her head.

"we went to kombu and then after he was going to just drop me off at my place but he spent the night instead and that's when we hooked up and then the next morning we went to grab breakfast." i said now scanning the menu.

kendall perked up once i said 'kombu', "wait that new sushi place?"

i nodded in response.

"no way, i've been meaning to go there. how was the food?" she asked, now more interested in the food than the date.

"well i didn't order anything, but he gave me one of his rolls and it was pretty good."

"oh what'd he get? i wanna know what to get when i go." kendall said.

charlize shook her head, in dissaproval of the current conversation since she wanted to hear everything about jacob and i.

"do you know if this was just a one time thing or if there's gonna be a second date?" charlize asked eagerly.

"well jacob and i talked about it, and we both want something to come out of it. and plus he doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of guy who normally does one night stands. but you guys know i'm leaving for college..." i shrugged, and added on to my statement. "but i'll be back indefinitely in two months."

"two months..." daphne muttered to herself, "i guess that is a whole lot of time, but it'll fly by."

kendall seemed deep in thought, "you think he really wants something to come out of this?"

i sighed, "i hope so, i mean he said he does but people lie all the time."

kendall nodded. "i just don't want you to get hurt again."

i knew she was referring to the times id been used in the past by my exes or guys i was just talking to. i gave her a weak smile. "i think jacob is different from all those other guys." i confessed.

"and are you fully over luka? i mean you've gone back to him a couple of times." charlize added.

"yes i am" i answered truthfully.

"from what i remember of jacob, he seemed like a a good guy." daphne said with a smile on her face.

"yeah from when i met jacob he was very sweet and super down to earth." kendall said.

i miles at them and looked at the menu again, "what are you guys having?"

ignoring my question, daphne asked another question. "what happened with nico?"

"that ship has sailed." i answered quickly, keeping my eyes on the menu.

"what why?" charlize asked.

i shrugged, still keeping my eyes on the menu. "it just fizzled out, ya know?"

the girls looked at me, their stares expressed they wanted more information but there really wasn't much to say, it was the truth, nico and i had genuinely fizzled out.

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