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"oh my gosh guys

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"oh my gosh guys...i have to update you all on everything." i said to the girls.

"yes you absolutely do, i hate hearing things from the media, it makes feel weird. like do i believe it??" daphne said.

i laughed softly and began updating the girls. "so you all have heard about the jacob thing..." i started.

"duh" charlize said.

"well we're not dating, we're casually dating." i said.

"so it's a situationship" kendall blurted.

"yeah basically." i replied, warning concerned looks from the girls.

"you're like...a relationship kind of girl." charlize stated. "i don't know, i'm not loving this."

"yeah..." daphne agreed.

"well i just don't understand, i thought jacob was a relationship kind of guy, i mean after you two hooked up didn't he say he wants something to come out of it?" kendall questioned.

"he did, and i think he does...it's just that he's about to go to canada and then new york for a month and he doesn't want to do long distance and he doesn't want to label us...so he said we're just 'casually dating.'" i explained to the three.

"how do you feel about it?" daphne asked. 

"i hate it, i want a relationship, i want to be known as someone's girlfriend...when someone asks my partner what i am to them, i don't want there to be a long pause as my partner tries to figure out how to word our relationship." i said.

they all nodded and were quiet for a minute. kendall then broke the silence. "you're literally the baddest girl walking this planet right now and you gotta settle for a situationship?" she said, her tone serious.

"this is what i was saying, i know jacob is amazing but like...you have so many options..." daphne chimed in.

charlize had a more realistic view on the situation. "you know what quinn, i think jacob really likes you and there's no one who knows what the future holds..."

daphne laid in bed, with a serious look on her face. "but you guys like each other, why can't he commit?"

kendall agreed, "yeah why is he being so confusing..."

charlize was deep in thought. "maybe he has commitment issues?" charlize guessed, it was obvious she was team jacob.

"guys i don't know what to do...it seems like he genuinely likes me and he wants a future with me, but he's just busy with filming. he worded it like, 'i'm not using you, i just want to wait until i'm done filming so i can give you the full 100% that you deserve.' which makes sense, but i've been used before...and i just don't want to repeat that cycle."

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