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march 18, 2024

it had been one week since i'd met cora, and we'd been simply inseparable. we've had sleepovers, talked about everything and everyone together, and just made ourselves each others 'best friends' without ever saying it.

jacob and i had been texting and occasionally facetiming, my mom's had him working his ass off for the new movie, but i was so excited that i'd be seeing him in exactly one week.


now in my apartment with cora, she was on the couch doing some work on her laptop, while i laid on the floor while on my laptop. for some unknown reason, i find extreme comfort on the floor. cora was focused, she was pretty studious, always doing work on her laptop, either homework or working on her modeling projects. as i laid on the floor, i could hear her typing away.

"what time is it?" i asked cora weakly as i felt as though i'd been working on my computer for what seemed like a lifetime.

she looked over at me, "almost eight." she said before going back to typing on her computer.

i let out a groan of annoyance before i continued working on my laptop. the apartment was pretty quiet since we were both pretty focused on our work. the only sounds coming from the apartment were the sounds of us typing and of course the occasional car honking outside. other than that, it was silence.

"i'm starving, want to order a pizza?" i asked cora.

she responded, barely taking her eyes off of her computer. "yes please, im so hungry."

i laughed softly and grabbed my phone. "you're spending the night, right?"

"yep, and you know i'm gonna keep you up all night talking and watching tv, right?" she asked jokingly.

i let out a laugh before dialing the pizza place and ordering a large pepperoni pizza for delivery.

cora and i continued working as we waited for the pizza and as soon as i finished my work, i let out a small "yes!" in excitement.

hearing my exclamation made cora look over at me with a grin on her face. "did you finish all your work? already?" she asked, she was surprised. the amount of work that i had to do was quite heavy, and i finished it all in beautiful timing.

i smiled and nodded, "mhm" i hummed before looking at my phone to see it was ringing.

"who is that? your man?" cora asked jokingly. i walked over and joined cora on the couch before throwing a pillow at her that was in arms reach before answering.

"hey jacob." i said to him through the phone with a small smile.




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