Night 3 [2AM]

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Luke: Oh, please. [Chuckles] "Not in a while, crocodile." But seriously, I think my anti-sleep meds are finally working.
Phantom Foxy: Arrg! Who may this be, huh?
Phantom Chica: I don't know, but I guess we can have another one in my pot.
Phantom Foxy: A pot of witches' brew! I swear to falling stones, lass. Ya' keep lying about concocting magic spells in that oven!
Phantom Chica: As I said, Buckle, I'm not a witch. I don't even know how to curse people. And no, that doesn't mean I'm a duck either.
Phantom Foxy: But ya are! I swear, whenever I'm around you, I feel that yer gonna mutter me forbidden chants!
Phantom Chica: I wish. Maybe then you'll learn not to underestimate the working class.
Phantom Foxy: Am not! Don't try to put me on trial, Chico! Being so manly, for what? We can't just start fights every bloody day, y'know.
Phantom Chica: Don't call me that.
Luke: Um, hi? Who are you guys? I'm sorry to interrupt your little argument.
Phantom Foxy: It's fine, scourge! I can tell you that Chico over here has always done this.
Phantom Chica: The name is Chica. Stop getting that letter wrong, Boxy buckle.
Phantom Foxy: It's Foxy to you, sir!
Phantom Chica: Quit calling me a man.
Luke: I see the problem here. There isn't a brick wall between you two. If there was, you wouldn't bark at each other so much.
Phantom Chica: Can you tell this fox to go to a far away boot camp across the seven seas?
Luke: No. I don't think anybody can do that. What you can do is summon the spirits.
Phantom Foxy: Scourge, what spirits?! We are spirits, or are ya talking about having demons take me away? Yer a foul one, scourge.
Phantom Chica: Says the only fruity one here! Why else do you love fruits so much and even like other guys that way?
Phantom Foxy: Putting on a spell, as usual.
Phantom Chica: What spell? I said I didn't know how to cast one! The stupidity he has!
Phantom Foxy: Arrg! To you, Chico!
Luke: We don't need any wrestling matches right now. I'm sorry to intervene, but I think you guys gotta calm down a minute...
Phantom Foxy: Arrg! Fine! [Scratches]
Phantom Chica: Feeling itchy, buckle?
Luke: It's probably just this conversation.
Phantom Chica: Just because I don't really act girly does not mean I'm not a girl. That's a stereotype that should rot away from us.
Phantom Foxy: What else should be rotting is yer bad attitude! Every day, you wake up at the wrong time! Ya' shouldn't be awake at all!
Luke: Um...
Phantom Foxy: I just can't hold onto these bars anymore. As a fallen pirate, the chains hurt me on the daily...
Phantom Chica: I'm gonna go now. You snooze, you lose! Ten second head-start!
Phantom Foxy: Arrg! To the light and beyond!

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