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"Unexpected Love" (on my profile)
6 best friends with 6 different personalities.
They will go through difficult times throughout their friendship but they will always be each other's home.
But things will get complicated when an unexpected and secret love is born in the group. Even they didn't imagine anything could ever happen, especially between the two of them who are so different. It will become a precious secret precisely because it is private, they would like to keep it that way to maintain its magic but in doing that a dangerous game will be created that could hurt many people.
Will this love be able to grow and assert itself in the light of the sun?
Will it be strong enough?
Will it be worth losing a friend to find love?
Can the two things coexist?

Brooke Gray:

Taylor Moore:

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Taylor Moore:

Taylor Moore:

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Amy Evans:

Mia Wilson:

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Mia Wilson:

Tayra Cooper:

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Tayra Cooper:

Allison Collins:

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Allison Collins:

what do you think? might you like it? I'm writing the first chapters right now and they will be out soon

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what do you think? might you like it? I'm writing the first chapters right now and they will be out soon. I feel really inspired by this story and I hope you enjoy it, let me know in the comments? Do you have any idea who the cup inside the 6 might be? I'm curious to see if you were able to guess, write in the comments who do you think the couple is made up of?
Let me know if you want the translation in Italian for my Italian followers<3
(also I hope that the translation in english is good and understandable, because as you already know I'm italian so I'm doing the best I can)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, thanks everyone

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 07 ⏰

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