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"isn't this just fucking dandy?" izuku yells to no one in particular as he inspects his fingernail that he just subconsciously bit clean off. well, not really clean. it is quite bloody.

"what's wrong-oh." inko says as she storms into izuku's bedroom, clad in only a towel.

"i'm alright, mom. get back into your shower, i'll take care of it." izuku assures as he gets up off his bed and heads towards the kitchen. if his mother is in the bathroom, he can't use the sink in there to wash off the blood.

before izuku sticks his finger under the stream of water, he watches the blood flow out of the wound with curiosity. he wonders just what pain feels like, for a second. then, he wonders why he doesn't feel it-he remembers immediately: his brain produces an overdose of endorphins.

he watches the water turn red as it falls off his now clean finger. he reaches for the cabinet just above the sink-he can barely reach it, but after standing on his tip-toes he makes it to get bandaids.

he gingerly wraps the plain bandaid around his finger, cringing at how his finger looks without a nail: ugly and bare.

forgetting that, he walks over to the sofa and flips the tv on. of course, nothing good is on, so he resorts to the news. after hearing about multiple things that don't have to do with him, his mother walks out of the bathroom. she's wearing makeup and her hair is blow-dried, so izuku remembers what they had breifly discussed the night prior. she never does that if she's just going to be around the house.

"c'mon, let's go meet your new doctor." inko says, nodding her head to the door.

izuku looks down at his pajama clad legs and raises an eyebrow at his mother. "go get changed." she demands.

"okay." izuku replies, walking to his bedroom, and not feeling it when his hip catches on the door frame.

he doesn't bother with changing his shirt, so he just puts on some jeans and rolls up the bottoms into cuffs. it's not necessarily a fashion statement, it's mostly just the fact that izuku is quite short and most of the time he can't find pants that fit his waist and his short legs.

then, he and his mother walk to their car, and drive the mile to dr. bakugou's house. inko is protectively watching izuku's every move. yes, izuku is glad his mother is protective, but sometimes it's just too much. what's the doctor going to think when inko can't do anything but be worried for her son?

soon, inko is knocking on the door and izuku is looking down and fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt, wishing he hadn't agreed to come along. well, he didn't exactly have a choice, but he still wishes he wasn't here, in front of the doctor that he's going to have to spend a lot of time with, whether he likes it or not.

"hello!" dr. bakugou-no one had bothered to tell izuku her first name-greets.

"hi! i'm inko midoriya, i work at the bank, and this is my son izuku. he's going to be a patient of yours, so we thought we could stop by." inko says in a fake, sweet voice. she's trying too hard to be nice, is all.

"oh, i remember you from yesterday! i didn't know you had a son..," she pauses and inspects izuku for a short moment. "who looks to be around the same age as my own!"

as if on cue, a tall, slim, muscular boy walks into the living room and comes up behind his mother. "who're they?" he inquires, trying to subtly check izuku out. izuku doesn't seem to notice.

"i'm inko, this is-"

"i can introduce myself, mom." izuku scowls, not wanting to look dependant on his mother in front of this new-and attractive-male. "i'm izuku."

"i'm katsuki." katsuki sticks out his hand, as to handshake, and izuku takes it. katsuki squeezes a little too hard, to mess with izuku, but izuku doesn't react at all. katsuki knits his eyebrows together in confusion.

"how about you come in, then?" dr. bakugou says. izuku will have to ask his mom about her name later.

they follow her inside, and-not surprisingly -there are boxes just about everywhere. dr. bakugou opens her mouth as to apologize, but inko shushes her before she can even begin.

"s'alright, honestly. i understand." inko smiles.

"how about you show izuku the house, katsuki?" dr. bakugou asks and katsuki beams.

"i'd love to. come on, izu."


"it's cute." katsuki responds, grabbing izuku's wrist and pulling him up the stairs.

when they get to the room at the end of the hall, katsuki lets go of izuku and they walk inside. there is literally nothing in the room, and all the walls are white.

"i'm still thinking about what color i want to paint it." katsuki explains. "but, i overheard that you are one of my mom's patients? what for?"

he's suddenly curious.

"i'm not going to tell you." izuku replies abruptly.

"oh, come on! why not?"

"i don't want to."

"it can't be that bad. is something wrong with your dick? you got rashes on your ass?" katsuki prods.

"no! i just don't want to tell you." izuku makes a face.

"fair enough." katsuki sighs. it doesn't mean he won't ask again, later, however. "anyway, what color do you think i should paint this room?"

"hmm, how about a dark red?"


"matches your eyes." izuku answers, then looks away, bashfully. he didn't mean to let it off to katsuki that he'd been looking-staring- at his eyes.

"so, what shade would that be, izu? scarlet, cherry, maroon?"

"your eyes are not maroon." izuku states, sharply. "i'm thinking a crimson red."

"okay. crimson red it is." katsuki smiles.

"what? you're seriously taking my opinion?" izuku asks, obviously shocked.

"yeah, why not?" katsuki shrugs.

"i don't know. you just met me."

katsuki just smiles at his feet, but soon lifts up his face to smile at izuku. izuku just furrows his eyebrows, why is katsuki smiling?

"you know, you're my first new friend." katsuki says after about a minute of silence.

"i'm your friend?"

"yeah, you've got no choice."

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