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"and so, what's so special about this golf course?" izuku wonders as katsuki drives down a path in the golf cart. izuku doesn't especially want to bring up their recent encounter with hanta.

"you'll see." katsuki replies bluntly, not looking away from the trail ahead of him.

izuku frowns. he doesn't want katsuki to be sad or distant this whole time, just because of his stupid ex. katsuki seems to have already lost the relief that he had held on his face moments prior.

"izuku?" katsuki says after a minute, shaking izuku out of a trance he hadn't known he'd been in.


"hanta; he said he still loves me."

"katsuki." izuku replies sharply, whipping his head around to look at the tall boy.

"but he said it. i'm just saying, he said it. it doesn't mean i still love him." katsuki mumbles.

"but, are you sure you don't?" izuku asks seriously, not taking his eyes of katsuki's side-profile.

"yes. i don't love hanta sero!" katsuki yells out at the clean-cut grass to his right.

this seems to be enough proof for izuku, so he smiles to himself and almost falls out of the cart when katsuki makes a sharp right turn.

"jesus fuck, katsuki!" izuku yells, holding onto the pole that hold up the roof of the cart. "you nearly just flung me out!"

"sorry, i forgot where to turn; then i remembered." katsuki replies shyly, maybe smiling because he thinks pissed-off izuku is kind of cute.

katsuki drives for a few more minutes until the road gets remarkably steeper, upwards, causing him to pull over.

"so, i guess we're walking, now." katsuki tells izuku, taking his hand and leading him up the trail.

"what's up here?" izuku asks after they walked for a minute or two.

"well, you know, it's a golf course, and at golf courses they have a ton of man made lakes and hills, right?"

"uh, yeah."

"and they need a place to get land from, yeah?"

"i don't see where you're going with this. would you just tell me, katsuki?" izuku asks, irritated.

"fine, okay. i found a waterfall back here, it's cool." katsuki explains.

izuku smiles, no longer annoyed. he never really was, he just figured if he acted like he was, katsuki would tell him faster.

as the boys walk up the steeply-inclined hill, it's not unusual for izuku to not feel his leg muscles aching from the climb. actually, it'd be unusual if he did.

before too long, izuku hears the roaring water in his ears, from the nearby waterfall.

eventually, they make it to the top, and the waterfall is in plain sight. izuku looks upon it with a lust to feel the cold water on his skin, but alas, he can't feel temperature. katsuki ( being the cheesy little shit he is ) has a little portable table set up-you know, one with the fold-able legs-a fair ways away from the waterfall, with a tablecloth on top. and, on top of that, there is a bag of sandwiches that look very... hand-made.

"they're, uh, peanut-butter-banana sandwiches'" katsuki twiddles his thumbs. "sorry i never asked if you liked that kind."

"i do, don't worry yourself about it." izuku plants a kiss on katsuki's cheek, hoping to calm his suddenly-discovered nerves. izuku thinks it's quite cute that katsuki made them sandwiches.

katsuki blinks a few times before getting himself together and pulling out izuku's seat for him. izuku smirks, giving katsuki's ass a nice slap as he sits down in his chair. katsuki blushes, but then decides to play along, by visibly checking izuku out while biting his lip.

soon, izuku bursts out into laughter, because katsuki checking him out so bluntly is so out of character. katsuki joins izuku in laughing. they're breathless within a minute, their cheeks tinted red and each of them letting out little puffs of air. when they make eye-contact with each other, the laughter starts all over again.

"it's not even that funny!" katsuki says, while laughing.

"it kind of is." izuku smiles at katsuki, and gradually calms down from all the laughing.

"whatever." katsuki pouts, taking a bite of his sandwich. izuku follows suit.

"how long were these sandwiches just sitting out here?" izuku asks after he's swallowed his latest bite. ( because, most people know it's rude to talk with your mouth full, and izuku would hate to come off as rude to katsuki. )

"i set this all up right before i left to get you." katsuki responds, hoping that doesn't gross izuku out.

luckily, it doesn't, so izuku just smiles and nods.

"so," katsuki begins. "i kind of wanted to bring you here because, well, i don't know if many other people know about it? i mean, sure, the owners of the golf course and stuff, but it's not exactly easy to get here?" katsuki says it like he's suggesting something stupid.

"this can be our spot." izuku continues on katsuki's idea. "it's nice really," izuku smiles. "a nice thought."

"okay, i thought it might sound dumb." katsuki mumbles, only loud enough that izuku can just barely make it out.

"don't ever think you're dumb, or anything you say will sound dumb, because no matter what it is, i won't laugh, if it's serious," izuku replies. "of course, if it's one of your fu- jokes, i'll laugh."

"oooh, you want to hear one?" katsuki grins, his eyes twinkling.

"sure." izuku rolls his eyes the slightest bit, before looking at katsuki expectantly.

"what's the difference between a guitar and a fish?" katsuki says giddily.

"i don't know. what is the difference between a guitar and a fish?"

"you can't tuna fish."

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