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"impulse decisions are all i've been making lately." katsuki tries to carry on a conversation, before randomly pinching izuku's arm. "does this hurt?"

katsuki had been asking izuku this for the past week. the answer was always 'no'. katsuki had pinched, prodded, and poked at izuku all week, but never had the older boy felt any of it.

the day previous to this day, katsuki had kicked the back of izuku's leg as they walked down the hallway to katsuki's bedroom. unfortunately for katsuki, his mother saw and pulled him to the side for a talk-without izuku.

"just because he can't feel it does not mean you can abuse him!" she had scolded.

"i know, it's just-"

"so, is this why i'm always finding little bruises on his arms and legs?"

"yes, but, mom-"

"i am very disappointed in you. you should know better!"

"yes, i know, but-"

"no buts, mister! if i catch this again or izuku tells me you've done something, i will have to make sure you can't see him anymore!"

"that won't-"

"i can't believe you, katsuki! he's my patient, and you've been abusing him for the past week! i think i need you to stay away from him until the bruises heal."

"no!" katsuki finally got out a full sentence, if you consider it one. "please, no. i won't touch him!" katsuki pleads.

"katsuki, are you sadistic?"

"oh my god, mom, no!"

"well, i'll be sending izuku home and having you stay away from him until all his bruises are gone. is that clear?"

"yes." katsuki frowned. "can i say goodbye, at least?"

"go ahead."

so, katsuki went to his room, to find izuku sitting on his bed, playing with a paper clip he must have found on katsuki's desk. katsuki watched izuku for a little while, before izuku realized he's in the room. izuku bent the paperclip into a heart and set it back on katsuki's desk before he saw katsuki standing in the doorway.

"my mother thinks i'm sadistic, so you have to stay away from me." katsuki said. "i'm not sadistic, though!"

"how long do i have to stay away?" izuku's voice sounded small, lost.

"until your bruises go away. i'm sorry, izu." katsuki frowned. "i just thought i could, you know, hurt you."

"obviously not." izuku gave a small smile. "where's my $12.64?"

"not so fast! i bet i can still do it." katsuki said.

"how much are we betting, now? 'cause $12.64 isn't going to cut it."

"$63.19?" katsuki suggested, and izuku took the offer because there was simply no way katsuki could make izuku feel pain. it was physically impossible.

then, izuku had to go home. mitsuki predicted that his bruises would be gone in a week's time, so they didn't have to be separated for too long. a week was an abnormally long time for these boys, however.

that was all yesterday. now, today, katsuki has to think of a different way to make izuku hurt. obviously, pinching and kicking izuku didn't work, and katsuki is glad he doesn't need to try that anymore. it felt kind of wrong, randomly trying to hurt the boy whom katsuki is most definitely developing a crush on.

katsuki can't really think of another way, so he decides to call izuku. ( his mother never said anything about calling, after all. )

"hey, katsuki." izuku answers.

"hiii, izu." katsuki smiles, even though izuku can't see him.

"what's up? trying to think of ways to abuse me, probably, you little sadist, you." izuku teases.

"i am not a sadist!" katsuki cries out playfully.

"it would explain a lot if you were." katsuki can practically hear the smile in izuku's words.

"whatever." katsuki pouts.

just as katsuki is about to speak again, he hears izuku's mom in the background, calling izuku's name.

"oh, i have to go. appointment time. bye, kat."


"yeah." izuku hangs up, and katsuki is left alone with his thoughts again.

katsuki has been home from school for an hour, now, and the most logical thing he could do is his homework. oh, the fucking homework.

katsuki pulls out a pencil and his homework, and suddenly the room is filled with the sound of graphite on paper.

when katsuki finally gets to math, he goes to grab his calculator, but stops himself when he sees what izuku had made yesterday. katsuki had completely forgotten about the paperclip heart. he feels a smile creep onto his face as he looks at it, then he picks it up and plays with it between his fingers. then, he sticks it in his pocket and goes on to get his calculator.

the rest of the day, after katsuki is done with his homework, is extremely boring. since katsuki had izuku, he hadn't bothered to make new friends at school. well, there was this one kid, eijiro, that wouldn't leave him alone. but, katsuki thinks that eijiro likes him, and katsuki doesn't return the feelings, so. oh, and there is another kid that talked to katsuki a lot during school-neito-his name is but he's really a people person so katsuki's pretty sure neito is just friends with everyone.

eventually, mitsuki comes home. katsuki is just watching the tv, because he can't think of anything better to do.

"i brought mcdonald's." mitsuki says as she walks through the door, and katsuki pops up off the couch and rushes towards her.

"thanks!" he says, taking the bag and kissing his mother on the cheek. he plops back down onto the couch, now with some cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets. katsuki likes mcdonald's, despite all the health problems with their food... oops.

as katsuki watches a show about some people fighting with some other people. ( like, really? that's what all shows are about, at some level. ) katsuki begins to think about izuku again.

if he couldn't feel physical pain, could he feel mental pain?

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