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"you actually picked up! hiii, katsuki," katsuki's phone plays eijiro's voice through the speakers. "i was wondering, if you'd want to go out tonight, or something."

"sorry, eijiro. i'm going out with izuku."

"you've been going out with izuku every night for the past week!" eijiro says, and it's certainly true.

since the first date, katsuki and izuku have practically been attached at the hip ( besides for when katsuki has school ) and they have gone to different places every night.

katsuki is most definitely going to ask izuku to be his boyfriend tonight, that's for certain. they are going to a concert of a local band whom neither of them have heard of ( or so izuku thinks ), just for the fun of it.

truth be told, katsuki's old friend in tokyo has a band-eskimo valentine, in which katsuki was the singer to, until he moved-and they're going to be playing a reunion show tonight. ( which, katsuki knows probably no one will show up to, because, who in musutafu has ever heard of eskimo valentine? )

but, katsuki's going to be singing, and he's going to be ( hopefully ) serenading izuku at the end of the concert. and ( hopefully ) the two will be a couple by the end of the night.

katsuki's ripped out of his thoughts by eijiro, whom katsuki had forgotten was on the phone.

"just one night, katsuki."

"not tonight, eijiro."

"why not?"

katsuki hangs up, because eijiro was just a little too nosy sometimes. ( okay, a lot too nosy all the time. )

his phone begins to ring again, and, katsuki being the kind person he is, can't ignore it.

"hi, you accidentally hung up on me-"

"it wasn't an accident."

"oh, well, um."

"yeah, sorry."

katsuki hangs up again, feeling kind of bad for the boy on the other end of the line. but, he'd much rather spend his night singing with his old friends and asking izuku out than being somewhere, pretending to be happy with eijiro.


"have you felt anything today?" inko asks izuku as he walks past her to take a shower. he needs to be clean for his date with katsuki tonight. due to how many dates izuku had been having with katsuki over the past few days, there was excessive showering going on.

"no." izuku frowns, because, so far, his medication hasn't worked at all.

it's a bummer, really. izuku was-and is- really hoping it would kick in and he'd be able to do normal people things, like play football and take hot showers. for now, he's just stuck turning the shower dial to the indicated marking his mother placed so that he doesn't burn up or turn into an ice-cube while he showers.

after he's finished, izuku goes into his room and puts on his a pair of burgundy skinny jeans and a black t-shirt ( he has a lot of those ) and searches around the room for his contacts. he can't find them, so he resorts to asking his mother so she can use her motherly super powers that will magically make the contacts appear.

"mom, do you know where my contacts are?"

"weren't they getting old, dear? i threw them away, i was going to get you new ones tomorrow."

"mom..," izuku whines, because now he has to wear his glasses, and katsuki's never seen him in his glasses. izuku isn't even sure katsuki knows he has glasses. "i have a date with katsuki tonight!"

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